Help Breeding Bloodfin Tetras


New Member
Feb 15, 2009
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After several months of unsuccessful breeding of my Neon Tetras, I decided to try to breed a pair of Bloodfin Tetras. I am led to believe these are simpler and may be a better starting place for the inexperienced breeder.

I am using peat to soften and acidify my water. The pH is 6.8 or thereabouts and the water is soft. The temperature is 78 - 79 degrees F and I am using a standard 10 gallon tank filled with about 5 gallons of water. I tried a homemade spawning mop that didn't seem to go over well. Because the reading material states that they jump out of the water to release their eggs, I took a fine leaved plastic plant and suspended it upside down in the tank to give them something to work with.

This morning, I noticed the male bumping the underbelly of the female as well as getting in front of her broadside and shimmering. Then she swims a square pattern around him and then swims a little tilted to one side and the process starts again. They have never jumped out of the surface of the water as suggested and there appears to be no eggs in the tank. The female is just as plump as she was when the behavior started early this morning.

Does the above behavior sound like a breeding attempt, or just Tetras being playful? Any advice and help would be greatly appreciated. This is my first attempt at breading egg layers and as stated, I have been unsuccessful for several months.


Doug Coffman

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