Help, Bichir Not Well


sic itur ad astra
Jun 23, 2007
Reaction score
Bury, UK
I have 3 Senegal Bichir who were moved 2 days ago from my 4ft (145l) tank into my 5ft (330l) tank. They are about 5" long and were about 3" when I got them 3-4 months ago. They have grown well and eat well.

Since moving one has started to struggle when swimming, it is as if he can not fully straighten his body and swims in wild squiggles, sometimes corkscrewing over. He is also seeming to gulp when resting rather than breathing normally. He has no obvious signs of injury or attack and does not appear to have anything stuck in his throat.

The bigger tank was set up with 2 mature fluval 3 filters (were moved immediately from one tank to the other) Water stats are spot on (and virtually the same as the tank they came from) The rest of the tankmates are all fine.

Any ideas? Please?
Water stats are spot on (and virtually the same as the tank they came from) The rest of the tankmates are all fine.

Any ideas? Please?
virtually the same implies they are different.
what are the differences?
is the temp the same?
You will never get 2 tanks identical on water stats, what are they for both, test them, you may find the problem is shock going from one tank to another...or it could be something else....can you get water stats from both?
Ammonia, Nitrite 0 in both tanks. Nitrate 15 in one and 10 in the bigger one. Temp 28 in both. They were acclimatised slowly adding water every few minutes for 60 minutes. 1 did jump out of the bag after about 20 min but they were all swimming normally for the first few hours until this one went odd. Ph in all tanks is 6.5

He is a bit better today, seems to have more control of his swimming. Still not 'right' though and still slightly S shaped.

Could an electrical power surge have affected him? Or could he have bashed into something and sort of knocked himself out?
If he got a fright when dropped into the tank he could have hurt himself, mine dashed straight into my arm in blind panic one day when i was removing the head of a piece of fish he didnt eat. (not a live fish btw)

Id keep an eye on him, maybe even lessen the water flow in the tank or aim it somewhere so he can try swim in calmer water, at least until you know if he is recovering.
Just an update, the bichir is doing a lot better now. Still a bit 'S' shaped but not gulping and not swimming as erratically. He is eating well so fingers crossed!

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