I need the help of someone who is well educated in caring for sick bettas! I know you are that person Bettamomma. My poor betta has been sick more than healthy for the 3 years I've had him. He was my first fish, and poor boy, the result of many mistakes as a newbie fish owner. AFter his last bout of ammonia poisoning, finally realizing that was what he had, I got him a filter, treated him with antibiotics and added salt. (About a year ago, he was moved from the traditional Betta vase to a 5 gallon heated tank.) He got better, became frisky and most of his color returned. Then he got ick. I had to treat him twice for ick. That was a few weeks ago. Suddenly, he's getting pale, brownish colored at the front part of his body, listless, sleeping on the bottom of the tank, and I know he;s very sick because although he jumps at his food, he can't seem to get it. It all falls down before him--he dives for it and still can't get it! He used to nearly get it before it left my hand! Today his little head was so far down in the rocks I thought he was dead. He's gasping and when I left, he was literally upside down in his leaves! I started him on maracide, and salt in the tank, thinknig he has velvet--doesn't seem to be working. How many times can you medicate your fish?