Help Betta Fish

When you get your new tank try to get a bottle of something like Tetra Safestart, it's a bottle of the bacteria you need in an aquarium to process ammonia and nitrite and it will allow you to get the new tank ready much faster. You could also use live plants, a lot of members here including myself swear by live plants. Plants take up the ammonia produced by fish, fast growing plants do it the quickest and floating plants like Salvinia do it very quickly. They also give your fish a more natural environment.
What medication did the shop tell you to use?
Until the new tank arrives and the filter has established you need to replace at least 50% of the tank water every day. Use the water conditioner and make sure the temperature of the new water is similar to the tank. The best time to do this is 4-6 hours after feeding. You should also only feed on alternate days.
A more finer substrate would be a great option too hun. Big rocks trap food and waste which causes problems. A nice finer gravel would be better, I’m not really experienced with bettas so the others would be able to suggest sizing for you. If you can also get a water conditioner for him would be fantastic too. My preferred is Seachem Prime but others on here swear by API water conditioner. He is very lovely and good luck with him
Until the new tank arrives and the filter has established you need to replace at least 50% of the tank water every day. Use the water conditioner and make sure the temperature of the new water is similar to the tank. The best time to do this is 4-6 hours after feeding. You should also only feed on alternate days.
Have you ever seen that water conditioner before? I have never heard or seen of it hence why the ask.
I agree with what everyone else has said here. Please get your betta a bigger tank, at least 2.5 gallons, but 5 gallons is better. You will enjoy your fish so much more because he will be a lot more active and colorful in the proper conditions.
Just because a tank says it is great for zdx
A more finer substrate would be a great option too hun. Big rocks trap food and waste which causes problems. A nice finer gravel would be better, I’m not really experienced with bettas so the others would be able to suggest sizing for you. If you can also get a water conditioner for him would be fantastic too. My preferred is Seachem Prime but others on here swear by API water conditioner. He is very lovely and good luck with him
Also, just another point. if your betta gets scared, or just happens to be thrashing about in sheer JOY in his new 5g, those rocks can be dangerous. If a fish goes in those spaces they dont have the capability to back out.....

I invite you to watch and follow

The Thrilling Saga of Hank Sushi

The story of a very lucky Betta
@Quin @JuiceBox52
Also, just another point. if your betta gets scared, or just happens to be thrashing about in sheer JOY in his new 5g, those rocks can be dangerous. If a fish goes in those spaces they dont have the capability to back out.....

I invite you to watch and follow

The Thrilling Saga of Hank Sushi

The story of a very lucky Betta
@ Quin @ JuiceBox52
Yes Hank! If you'd like to hear about my story I'll tell, otherwise I won't hog up the post. In short I was in a similar position as you with a sick betta and these guys here helped me nurse him back to health. Now he is happy and swimming and he even made a little snail friend (Named Frank of course)

It's heartwarming to hear that you're searching out a better home for your little finned friend. I'm sure your son will enjoy it almost as much as your betta does too!

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