Help! Betta Dying!

You done your best and that's all you can do. So don't beat yourself up about it.
Even experienced fish keepers have there losses.
I would try and find a fish keeper who breeds betta's as there far better to buy from than local
fish shops which don't always have very good stock.
Let us all know how he gets on if you don't mind.
Keep fingers crossed for you. 
You have nothing to blame yourself for, you've done your level best to find out whats wrong and fix it.
I really hope he gets better and I have my fingers crossed too.
All I can do is wait and hope and I hate it :(. Hopefully the snow will melt in two days then if my little guy is still fighting I want to see if the pet store will exchange the pimafix for bacterial medicine. Pimafix is also suppose to help with bacteria infection but it also can screw with betta's breathing apparently so I'm confused if I should keep using it because several different sources say several different things.
Don't beat yourself up about it. :) Mistakes happen, all we can do is learn from them.
Also it just came on so suddenly. Everything was fine and then boom! This stuff...
Jungle brand lifeguard all in one treatment. All Walmart had and I figured it was better than watching him suffer.
You really needed an antibiotic. 
I don't know much about the medication you are using. Good Luck.
Keep an eye on water stats as read it destroys good bacteria in your filter.
Just remove black carbon from your filter. Can't help much as I don't know much
about the filter you are using either. Sorry!
He has a good owner who willing to do her best. That says alot.
I guess I'm just going to have to take the whole filter out because it looks like you can't just take out the carbon.
That's annoying.
Can you keep your filter running in a container to keep the good bacteria alive. You just add a few flakes each day
to the container to keep the bacteria alive.
You will need to add an airstone to the betta tank for aeration due to medications reducing 02 levels.
If you don't have an airstone you will have to run the filter just with filter floss.
The only problem is you will have to cycle your tank again due to taking  the sponges out that hold the beneficial
I know it's a nightmare been where you are. You feel like pulling your hair out as it so frustrating. One problem after another.
Well i have a bio wheel and that holds bacteria and I have little bits of sponges that I used to help reduce the current. I have a little more bit of sponge that I threw in there to help catch any debris. I have a live plant so idk if that will help with the oxygen like you were talking about :/
Once the treatment is over will the filter be okay to put back in? I've never had to do this before.
How long have you had the filter as carbon only affective for about 6 days.
It stops working so if it's been in filter a while it won't remove the medication anyway.
I don't know why they do this as carbon only good for removing medications. It's
a complete waste of money to use it all the time.
If you leave carbon in to long it can release toxins back into the tank water.
See how he gets on but I do wish you had more aeration.
You can add the filter back when you have removed the medication with water changes.

I'm off to bed now so good luck.
Might not be around the forum tomorrow as I'm busy.
Thanks for all your help. I've had that filter for a while (as I have been told to only change it when it is falling apart). The tank I have only takes the kind of filters I posted before. I don't know why they have carbon in it *shrug*
If anyone else can chime in and tell me if I can put the filter back in or not that would be flan tastic.

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