I bought a bamboo shrimp from my LPS last week. It was obviously starving as it was collecting food off the bottom at the store but it seemed to move around fine. My shrimp seemed to be doing okay other than I never actually have seen it eating and it hasn't been fanning for food. Yesterday before I left it was lying on the bottom of the tank, when I got home today it was on its side not moving at all. I thought it was dead but when I went to take it out it clung to the net and I had a hell of a time trying to get it off. It's color is a bright red/brown and from what I know that's healthy and when they're dying they turn really pale. I really don't know what the issue is with her. I've owned two bamboo shrimp before and they lived for over two years. It looks like its fans may be damaged but I can't really be sure. I have corys (which I know are harmless), three dwarf gourami and three yoyo loach. From what I've read yoyo loaches eat shrimp so I'm a little worried this might be the reason my shrimp isn't doing very well even with its size. Any feedback would be helpful, I love bamboo shrimp and paid quite a bit of money for it.