Help! ?bacterial Bloom With Ammonia 0Ppm And Nitrite 0Ppm

mark4785 said:
What are your stocking plans?
Well the way my platy mama keeps breeding, I don't think there's going to be room for anything else until I can rehome some. My son was going to have some, but then he realised just how much work is involved in fish-keeping and changed his mind and I'm glad really cos I would not have been pleased if he hadn't cared for them properly. Pets At Home said they'd take them but only at 3 months or more, so a few more weeks before I can offer them the 4 & 9-wk olds.
I've got a hankering for a male betta splendens, for some reason, tho I wouldn't put one in with fry - I'd probably have none left!
So I'll be sticking with platies for now and hope this tank cycles in time for the batch after this one that's now due. Mama platy is quite ruthless and as long as I don't have to watch her do it, I know she'll keep the numbers down as she has in the past. Not sure how many fry it's reasonable to keep in a 30L - depends how many survive her post-natal feast I guess!

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