Help ASAP please

Hi guys
So I got a danio from pet smart a month ago which had a ich disease that killed all my fish and so I waited another 3 weeks for it to die and raised the temp did water changes cleaned gravel etc. I bought 5 guppies and a algae eater for my 10 gallon and my algae already died and I see white stuff on some of the guppies. I have a melaxfix bottle but that wouldn’t work. Please help on how to save my fishhhhh
The white stuff might be baby snails I see them every so often when I do water changes special if I planted a new plant,but I could b wrong and can be something else
Since my fish died due to ich for a second time, should I take out most of the water clean the tank and start the cycle over
You need to reread all of this thread, you have been advised to empty your tank completely as all your fish are dead, throw away substrate and completely disinfect everything!!! Then set it back up and cycle it again.
I’m sorry for your losses.

How long ago did you add the new fish? Was it just in the last few days? Ich just does not kill that fast. There is something else going on and it is most likely a water quality issue or possibly some kind of toxin introduced into the tank. Taking pictures of the dead fish can sometimes help us decide what happened. It doesn’t always work, but sometimes there will be something that gives us the clue needed to help you with the next steps.

if you don’t have the fish to take pictures, then you’re pretty much going to be stuck with starting completely over, disinfecting the tank, getting all new substrate, new filter media after disinfecting your filter, and either disinfecting or replacing all your tank contents.

if you disinfect with bleach you should rinse everything very thoroughly at least 3 times or more. I usually rinse 5-6 times after bleaching, particularly on more porous materials. Then start completely over with cycling the tank and be sure to use the high end dose of a good dechlorinator after any bleaching.
If you leave the tank fallow for a week to 10 days the ich will die off. No host then no ich. During that time, add some Safe Start+ bottled bacteria. It’s good stuff and will help rebuild your cycle. Add a few flakes of fish food every couple of days to make a little ammonia. You should be good to go with a few fish after that time but test your water.
I’m sorry for your losses.

How long ago did you add the new fish? Was it just in the last few days? Ich just does not kill that fast. There is something else going on and it is most likely a water quality issue or possibly some kind of toxin introduced into the tank. Taking pictures of the dead fish can sometimes help us decide what happened. It doesn’t always work, but sometimes there will be something that gives us the clue needed to help you with the next steps.

if you don’t have the fish to take pictures, then you’re pretty much going to be stuck with starting completely over, disinfecting the tank, getting all new substrate, new filter media after disinfecting your filter, and either disinfecting or replacing all your tank contents.

if you disinfect with bleach you should rinse everything very thoroughly at least 3 times or more. I usually rinse 5-6 times after bleaching, particularly on more porous materials. Then start completely over with cycling the tank and be sure to use the high end dose of a good dechlorinator after any bleaching.

Off topic, but what fish are those in your profile pic? Beautiful.

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