Help Anyone Have Land Hermit Crabs Please Read

My hermit crab unfortunately died i lost three in a week. I bought three more so now i have six they are doing great. Think they died due to lack of salt water had had them over a year bad pet shop advice. Ive since joined a hermit crab forum so hopefully i will have no more trouble.
Hello Im new here.
I joined because a few of you own Hermit crabs. Sorry about your loss. My pet shop said my guys had been special weaned off salt water. Ive been surfing the web but not found any thing to back up this claim. Is it difficult to mix salt water. My hubbey says if its not just so they will die like marine fish. I sure hope its not going to be complecated I wanted to see these guys grow nice and big.
Hi Hermit crabs do require a constant source of salt water they are not weaned of it i found out when i joined they soon put me right with lots of help and advice. I use Instant Ocean mixed with dechlorinated water not hard to mix i mix mine in a 2 litre bottle. My first hermits i had died due to a lack of salt water they wernt kept properly in the shop i got them from told me they only needed fresh water. I purchased 3 more from a different shop that were keeping them properly and they are doing great along with my 2 other survivers. If you have any questions feel free to ask im not an expert but i have learnt a little bit about keeping them over the past year. Another good site to visit is Happy to help :good:

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