Most plants do need fertiliser. Some, like amazon swords, take it up through their roots so we use root tabs (lumps of solid fertiliser) put in the substrate near the roots. Others take it up through their leaves so they just need a dose of liquid fertiliser added once a week the day after a water change (because most water conditioners bind metals, the ferts should be added the same day as water conditioner). With plants that grow and grow, you may need to trim them when they get too big. Given that this is a 10 gallon tank, you don't want plants that will grow enormous.
I don't have many types of plant - just several which grow on decor, frogbit and recently a few crypts. Other members know a lot more about growing plants than me, and they'll be able to help you decide which plants would be easiest for you and at the same time grow well enough to remove any ammonia that the bacteria can't manage.
Can I suggest you start a new thread in the planted section, list the plants you can get and ask which would be suitable for 10 gallons. You'll get more help that way.