Help Algea Problem


Fish Herder
Oct 19, 2009
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i have a 50 litre tank with 2 totaly aquatic frogs and 3 cherry shrimp and there is so much algea every time i scrape it of mor comes back :angry: please help
try adding some bristlenose plecs i have to and never see any algea they are like hoovers for the stuff.
also make sure ur tank is not in to much sunlight.
and finnaly try covering ur tank up for a few days with a sheet and turning the lights off because algea need light to grow
Give the covering and lights off a go before buying the plec. According to the index here they grow to 4.5" but I've seen larger ones for sure. Just a heads up as plecs carry huge bio loads.
algae is often a sign of too many nutrients in the water, too much light or CO2. I'm battling with 4 types of algae at the moment- i know it very annoying, looks horrid and ruins your plants :sick:

just keep going at it and try to identify if you leave the lights on too long, overfeed, or dont have enough plants
thanks everyone i do every thing you lot have said

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