Help About Breeding


New Member
Aug 28, 2005
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I am planning on breeding my bettas and I did every thing for the tank and fish i needed i have the female in the glass chimmney and male swimming around but neither of them seem intersted in one another hwat should I do The male is not building a bubblenest. or showing off for the female

  1. They are not compatible
  2. Both aren't ready yet
  3. They aren't conditioned yet
  4. They are still young
  5. They don't like the environment
  6. Patience is the key
I'd Give it a few days :), your female is getting used to the male being there and overcoming her fears. Also the male may not of really npoticed her yet, he may still be finding a territory to scout out or might not be intrested. As i said give them a few days and fi no actoin change the female or male, umless you particulary want this pair bred. Then i would keep conditioning them (i presume you did this anyway) and try in a few weeks :)

HTH, Bret :)

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