The eggs are easy to hatch. The only real problem is keeping them about 75 degrees or so. Easy this time of year. For feeding you really should have a microworm culture going or vinegar eels. Super easy to do. Also have what you need and know how to hatch out baby brine shrimp. Again, easy to do. These are things every aquarist should have and know how to do. I've read posts on this forum where people had suddenly unexpected fry that they wanted to keep and got caught with nothing to feed. Raising your own fry up and breeding those is the most rewarding thing in this hobby. Be prepared ! Live food cultures are readily available from many sources and so is the information needed to succeed with them. Fish guys Place website even has tutorials. There isn't anything difficult in this hobby. Anything about it is easy to learn if you want to learn. You want trouble and difficulty ? Go saltwater.
@Colin_T will disagree with that statement but he is Yoda and the rest of us are not.