
The October FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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B) Greetings from Southern California, USA. My name's Tom and my son and I are getting back into the hobby of fishkeeping. I like your site and will visit it frequently. So far my interests lies in freshwater and had very large cichlids in the past and dabbled in salt water but lack of disposable...HAR...income forced me right back out of it. Hope to make some friends out here. Take it ez and happy fishin!
Hi Tom Welcome to the forum...I'm sure that in no time at all you will be suffering from MTS like most of us here. :D ...be sure to register so that you can check out the rest of the forum, like the Rogues Gallery in the Non-Fish Photo section, which lets you put some faces to the fishkeepers B) ...Hope you enjoy yourself here as much as I do. :drink:
B) Hi, It's Tom under my new surname. I'm a cichlid fan if you haven't already guessed. I guess a large, lumbering, yet gentle Oscar is my favorite large fish. As I've already said in my "guest" post, I'm getting back into the hobby after a long layoff. My son was just given a tank...a 20 gal hex to be exact, and we're getting it going for a nice community tank. Thus, it has rekindled my long slumbering hiatus. I'm a Windsor, Ontario, Canada boy who was transplanted many years ago to Southern California and would like to discuss FISH with anyone and hopefully help anybody who may need it. :nod:
Hi Tom :hi: ! I've merged the two posts, glad to see you've registered hope to talk fish with you in the future!
Hi Tom


I have recently got two small red oscars, did I say small, I must have blinked. They have grown 4 inches in two months. Now reside in my fish house in a 95 UK gall tank.

Dolphin :teacher:
Welcome, Tom! I would love to keep oscars, but I dont have room for the tank! :( ;) :D
Oh ya - I have always wondered this - where the heck is the Rogues gallery?? -_- -_- -_- :crazy:
:hi: tom. I may need some discus help from you, I am still unyet decided wht I want to do with the new tank I get this friday. either discus or Central American Cichlids or a semi agressive community.. If I go with a few discus I'll definatly want your help.

btw: where in So cal? I grew up in Laguna Beach and transplanted myself to Floirda just over 10 years ago.
Welcome Tom........

Hope you enjoy your time here and most of all have fun.


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