
Whoops! Sorry :blush: lol. My elderly brain you see, struggles to keep up! ;):lol:

Why thank you! 38 sounds pretty old even to me... it creeps up on you fast!

Spooked me a bit to learn I'm exactly the same age as @OliveFish05 's mum... I didn't have kids myself, so being the same age as mum's who have teenagers makes me feel pretty old, lol!

It's normal for teens to think of anyone over the age of say, 25, as being old. To a lot of people that's "proper adult" age, and to think of anyone younger than you as a kid you can't relate to at all! Once you reach your 20s and 30s, age doesn't matter to you so much. I hate to break it to you guys, but you also never reach a magical point where you truly feel like a "proper grown up". It just creeps up on you in stages, usually marked by life events.

Getting older isn't so bad though! Once you're in your thirties you're still young enough to enjoy yourself, but you also care less what others think of you, have a better sense of who you are as a person (usually), and you're usually independent by then. Older people also don't seem so ancient when you realise how fast a decade passes!

No one, of any age, has life all figured out either. There are 14 year old geniuses, and 80 year old idiots. I don't know more about fishkeeping than any of you youngsters just because I'm the same age as your mothers (!), so always do your own research and question the sources :)
does it make you feel better that i have a teacher that's 45 and has a 5-8 month old?

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