

New Member
May 1, 2021
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Santa Clarita
Hi - I got introduced to the hobby by my dad who had many different types of freshwater aquariums when I was growing up. I had a Bullmastiff who passed away in 2019 and decided to get an aquarium as my heart could not take another dog. Walked into the fish store and walked out with ~60 gallon aquarium. :) Put an Oscar (aka Scooby) in there, a couple red hooks (Hans and Frans), some tiger barbs and the good ol’ pleco. I just got a new 100 gallon and gave the 60 to my dad. We live close to each other and it’s been fun to see him get into the hobby again. We also have a 30 gallon at my place to quarantine and grow the fish before they go in with the Oscar and unwittingly become fish food. Current set up: Oscar, two red hooks, three setiger silver dollars, a red severum, school of loaches, a lancer cat. We’ve got four salvini growing in the 30. I’d like to put some red headed tapajos and blue acara in my tank. Still working on my setup. Haven’t been able to get it how I want yet with plants and the driftwood.


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Welcome! What sort of pleco have you got? Be warned that common plecos and sailfin plecos can reach 2ft in length over the course of their lives!
I know! I honestly don’t know what kind of pleco he is. He has grown a ton since I first got him. Here he is
Got photos of it's body? I would have said a common, but the patterns on the underside and fine spots on the tailfin would lead me to think it's something else. Gorgeous, either way. I love plecos, so come to me if you're looking for someone to talk to about them!
He must like you because he was out swimming around as opposed to hiding behind the driftwood. I like plecos too - there are so many beautiful ones. I got him when I set up my first tank and didn’t know how many options I had. Here goes:


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He must like you because he was out swimming around as opposed to hiding behind the driftwood. I like plecos too - there are so many beautiful ones. I got him when I set up my first tank and didn’t know how many options I had. Here goes:
Hm, I'm not actually sure. Judging by the colours, I would have said it's a common plec (hypostomus plecostomus), but I've never seen a common with spots and such spaced out markings. Nothing saying it can't be a common, of course, but it might not be at the same time!

Looks like his fins have been nipped at, too. I've heard that tiger barbs can be nippy, but at the same time it could be literally any of its tank mates since you have a lot of cichlids!

I've got a pleco appreciation thread, where people can talk about their plecos and post photos. If you've ever got extra photos of your pleco laying around, I'd love to see them!

You're certainly not limited to just one pleco, by the way. A lot of members just don't have too many since plecos are known for their massive bio-load and tendency to poop. A lot. As I'm sure you've seen by now!
Thanks! I’m still setting it up and having some trouble figuring out how I want it. Suggestions welcome! I would love live plants but with the Oscar, red hooks and severums, I don’t think it’s possible? My LFS drilled holes in the back for me so all the filtration is hidden. I choose this rock/riverbed background and I’m having trouble figuring out what looks right. I see you won Tank of the Month! Where can I find a pic?
Welcome to the forum.

Research the fish you already have at seriouslyfish.com to check their compatibility before adding any more; also, use this tool to check your stocking levels: http://www.aqadvisor.com/

If that IS a common pleco, be advised that they can grow to almost 2' in length...too big for even 100G, IMO

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