

Fish Crazy
May 14, 2004
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Hello to all ,
I am new to this forum only .
I work for walmart and have run the pets dept. for over a year but have owned
all kinds of pets for about 10 yrs. now.i love pets. so this dept. fits me just great.
i have had the top sales in this dept. since we open this supercenter 9 month's ago. $900 + in fish sales alone in the last 5 month's . we learn from our customers and teach as much to them as they do to us.. we listen to there needs..
and i have worked for walmart for 10 yrs.
thanks for all the welcomes gang i am glad to have found this and i have friends that are going to join too.. see ya in the forums
doesnt walmart sell dyed fish? im in aus so im not 100% sure, but i heard that you guys sell jelly bean parrots and stuff
:hi: to the forum!!!!

i hope you enjoy your time here!
the only fish we sell or sold with the dye is the glass fish which we don't sell anymore and the mixed fruit tetras which i do still sell and have been told they keep there color longer cause they swim through the dye it is not injected into them. and this was from a person who bought some not my fish vendor...

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