

New Member
Nov 15, 2010
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hello my name is Valerie,we have a 30litre fish tank with 5 platy's and 2 cory's one of the platy's must have had babies overnight, tho there is only 1 in the tank. I didnt know it was pregnant...the problem is, its in the filter,there must be a gap in the back oh "flipping heck" what can I do, it cant stay there, IF, it survives its going to be too big....runs around house flayling arms help please x
lol; don't panic!

Switch the filter off, take all the sponges etc out and see it you can catch the baby with either a small net or a clean yoghurt pot or something like that.

Then cover the filter with a piece of fine mesh or net (or the foot of a clean pair of tights works very well!) so it doesn't end up straight back in there :)

Best of luck!
right but I dont want to leave it in the tank because presumably the others will eat it ! yuk x
Well, yes, they will, I'm afraid; it's the natural fate of most fry...

You could put it in a container floating in the main tank; ice cream or magarine tubs are handy for this, especially if you can make some small holes in it for the water to flow through.

Don't worry too much if you do lose it; platies will have babies every 30 days or so; plenty of time for you to sort something out for next time :)
well this wasnt easy I cleaned out the filter and caught the little ...... by pure chance !

thanks for your replies x

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