Hello New To The Forum And After Some Guidance And Advice


New Member
Aug 27, 2006
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Hello i an new to the forum and my name Tim

I have just bought a 125 Litre tank and am looking to stock with cichlids but not sure how many would be ok without overstocking it or if i can mix the cichlids i am interested in.

I was looking at either convicts or firemouths or both if it is wise. Or if you could recommend any fish that might go with either of them?

Also how would you recommend would be ok in the tank?

Any advice is welcome.

I would try and get a breeding pair of either species, but not both, as I think you'd be asking for trouble. Get a pair and allow them to raise some fry in the tank, it'll be lots of fun!
Cons(convicts) are very protective of there fry, I wouldn't keep a breeding pair with other fish. But if I'm not mistaken 125 liters is 33g? I would go with a pair of FM's, cons are to hard to sell. You could also put a pair of german rams in there.
If the tank is only 33g, I would only go with a pair of either. Not both.

If you wanted more of a community setup, you could go with keyholes.. they are a smaller cichlid that aren't very aggressive and can be kept with a more wide variety of fish compared to the cons, firemouths.
if your dead set on haveing both make the firemouths your pair with a single convict. I have a 36x12x17 33 gallon tank and i have a (hopefully not sure yet there still young) a pair of firemouths , 1 convict , 1 texas , and 1 jack. there all young and will have to be tranplanted in a while to a bigger tank. Ohh i also have a chinese algae eater in there too ( lol forgot about the lil guy).
In that tank you could have a pair of Convicts OR Firemouths. Certainly not both and in either case the only tankmates that would work would be perhaps a plec. Bear in mind that both species can reach 6" and you would be putting whichever fish you chose into the absolute minimum size tank possible.
get blue eye cichlids :)
their related to cons, same sort of size, only more colourful a more atractive shape ( less bulldog like )
and easy to breed, let alone part of the con family ( they WILL interbreed ).

or..... hows about some of my blue eyed sajicons ;)

Thanx for all your advice.

I am just waiting for the tank to settle but i am going to go out and see what i can get locally but one place defo has convict and firemouths but what would you recommend for bottom feeders or would that not be recommended thinking maybe cory's what you think?

Will keep you posted on what i find as i don't want to make a wrong decision.

get blue eye cichlids :)
their related to cons, same sort of size, only more colourful a more atractive shape ( less bulldog like )
and easy to breed, let alone part of the con family ( they WILL interbreed ).

or..... hows about some of my blue eyed sajicons ;)


Would you have any pictures of these blue eyed sajicons as i can't find anything on google as i could be interested as you are relatively local.


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