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Aug 13, 2021
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Hello new to forum set up tank about 2 months ago did 10 day cycle and added 4 fish after a week added more then after another week added some more all seemed to go well for about 4 weeks then had a nitrate increase did extra water change and still had high nitrates when tested and app doing test said should do another water change and nitrates increased and had 3 fish die. Now wondering if i should do more water change or let sit for awhile been been adding dechlorinator and good bacteria when doing changes looking for sugestions from those of you with more experience
Just to clarify...
You did a 10-day cycle. (Does that mean that after 10 days, your water was completely free of ammonia and nitrite, with only a tiny amount of nitrate?)
You then added 4 fish, (Big fish, small fish, fast fish, slow fish?)
After another week, you added some more. (How many is 'some'? Big fish, small fish, fast fish, slow fish?)
Then, after 'about 4 weeks', things began to go awry, with high nitrate levels that aren't dropping. (What are you calling 'high' levels?)
Your fish are dying and how many have died so far?

I assume you're adding the right amount of water conditioner when you do your water changes.
Why are you also adding more good bacteria when you change the water, or are you simply following the instructions on the bottle? (Which bottled bacteria are you using?)

Whenever you have ammonia, nitrites or high nitrates, a water change is always a good idea.
yes after 10 days tests were amonia free and nitrite and nitrate all ok started with 2 mollies and 2 red wags then added 2 bristlenoses and 3 white clouds and another molly and another red wag then added 10 neons and 2 octycats so all small fish using API conditioner and topfin bacteria as far as why i am using tetra app to tract and with the test results it said to do water change and add both the conditioner and bacteria and adding amounts by instructions thanx for any help so far lost a molly last week then yesterday lost a bristle nose a redwag and a cat
Welcome to the forum. Sounds like water changes are the way to go, maybe add some live plants to get those nitrates down.
was thinking that also but did water change wenesday no change then again yesterday and nitrates went up to 3 so article i read said should let sit for a couple of days to let the good bacteria to catchup with the bad bacteria that doing to many changes gives the bad bacteria more food to feed off hoping people with more experience can tell me which way to go
Could be a problem with your tap water containing lots of nitrates if it is spiking quickly after a water change. Also you mentioned your nitrates went up to 3? If you mean 3ppm that is a perfectly safe amount of nitrates.

Edit - Grammar
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55 gallon and was going by the app i was using that was saying 3 PPM was high
yes after 10 days tests were amonia free and nitrite and nitrate all ok started with 2 mollies and 2 red wags then added 2 bristlenoses and 3 white clouds and another molly and another red wag then added 10 neons and 2 octycats so all small fish using API conditioner and topfin bacteria as far as why i am using tetra app to tract and with the test results it said to do water change and add both the conditioner and bacteria and adding amounts by instructions thanx for any help so far lost a molly last week then yesterday lost a bristle nose a redwag and a cat
That's a lot of fish in so short a time, even though it's a 55 gallon tank!
I suspect what beneficial bacteria you had was overwhelmed.
You seriously need to slow it down a tad. ;)
10 days is a very short time, can you explain exactly how you cycled the tank?
Please give your current test results in numbers for ammonia, nitrite and nitrates.

Once fish are in the tank water changes are essential. Leaving it for 'the bacteria to catch up' will harm the fish, the priority should be their health with cycling very much secondary.
OK seems like i did a lot of things wrong at this point trying to get things under control been doing daily water changes have done a couple of 75 % water changes and 25% every day that i didnt do the big changes nitrates and nitrites seem to be under control but amonoia is now high been using seachem prime and fluval cycle now looking at adding some plants looking on ideas from those of you with experience that can help the fish I have and what plants might be sugested. I am trying to do what is right for the fish at this point do not know what to do
It is always harder to cycle a tank with fish in it and, in spite of using the Fluval Cycle, it'll still take a while for your populations of beneficial bacteria to grow.
Keep on with the water changes and keep on using the Prime water conditioner when you do.
You need to add plants, rather than just 'looking at it' and use an air pump to run at least one airstone.

What fish are still alive in your 55 gallon tank?
Still have 6 zebra danios, 2 red plattys 3 white clouds a bristle nose pleco 1 octo cat yes been running a 2 airstones from the start. I am ok with doing the water changes and thank you for your input just want to do what is right for the fish what plants would you reccomend thank you again

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