Hello, I'm New Here


New Member
Dec 10, 2006
Reaction score
E. Sussex, UK
Hello to all,

My name's Morgan, i've just signed up and thought i'd introduce myself.
I've read many topics, FAQs etc on this forum and they've answered a lot of my questions over the last 3ish years of fish keeping.

Right now i'm embarking on an overhaul of my 24"x12"x12" freshwater tropical tank. It's looking a little bare with only two fish remaining after leaving it with my former housemates while i moved to a new city.

I'm a big fan of planted tanks, expecially the beautiful creations of Takashi Amano and i'm about to go fully planted. (so expect a lot of plant questions over the next few weeks!)

Anyways, thats me!


The only advice I wish I was given BEFORE I got plants in my tank was how to sanitize them before adding them to my tank: http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=167686

Now I got nothin' but pest snails!

Also, if you're thinking of now going planted you may want to research Tom Barr's Estimative Index (EI): http://www.barrreport.com/estimative-index...-test-kits.html
(BTW, Tom is an active member of this forum!)


Hi. Morgan,

Welcome, plant tanks are straight forward enough, just don't make it to complicated.
4 simple rules to follow:
Good water
Good substrate
Good lighting (T5's)
Fertiliser (CO2, liquid + substarte types)
Oh and keep the fish numbers down for the first few months.

Andy try adding 6 Botia Sidthmunki? They should resolve your snail problem.


Thanks for the kind welcome.

I'm really looking forward to my planted adventure. I ordered substrate (JBL Aquabasis), ferts (JBL as well) and CO2 (Hagen nutrafin) from Aqua-essentials last night and I can't wait for them to arrive! (already got a whopping 4WPG of lighting 8) )

I've got another topic on the go in the planted forum about buying plants online, so if anyone has any hints and tips.... you know where to go :)

Does anyone know a good site/sites about planting particular plant species? I'm thinking about getting Greenline's 24" collection and i wanted to research how to plant some of the species i'm not sure about.


When all the stuff arrives (probably not until after Xmas now) i'll start a journal. I love seeing the week by week/ month by month progress on other people's tanks so now it's my turn!


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