Hello Hello!


New Member
Dec 1, 2005
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Hello-Hello. :D
I am new to this forum,however not near as new to the fish keeping hobby as a whole.
I have been keeping fish\and or aquatic specimens for over 30 years..both combined Fresh water and Marine\salt water types.
I presently do reef tanks at this time and alway's have something to learn by other's way of doing things,and new challenges with specimen's i am yet to keep{discover}.

From what i have read and reviewed over many of the postings and discussions,most seem very nice,polite and are willing to answer anyone's question's regarding this great hobby..well i did say *Most...and i am sure that other forum user's will choose to look over the one's who make drab pointless comment's to those trying to get answer's answered in a productive manner......Glad to be part of this forum!

Thank You!
Hello and welcome to the forum. :hi:

I haven't taken the step into SW yet but that will be my next venture as soon as I find a place for a tank large enough.
Hello and welcome to the forum. :hi:

I haven't taken the step into SW yet but that will be my next venture as soon as I find a place for a tank large enough.

RDD. Thank you for the welcome.
Yea the marine end of it is just as addicting,just cost's ya both arm's instead of you're right toe! :lol:
My son and his wife have a 55 gallon SW tank and a small nano SW tank so I'm familiar with the costs. My wife really wants one and keeps hinting at moving all the occupants of the 29 gallon into the 75 gallon so we can make the 29 a SW tank. I would rather wait till I can get something at least 75 gallons to do it. There are so many unbelievably beautiful SW fish but they're not cheap.

I see your Group is Validating. You will need to go to the email you received when you registered and click the link there to validate your membership. You will then be able to post in all sections.
My son and his wife have a 55 gallon SW tank and a small nano SW tank so I'm familiar with the costs. My wife really wants one and keeps hinting at moving all the occupants of the 29 gallon into the 75 gallon so we can make the 29 a SW tank. I would rather wait till I can get something at least 75 gallons to do it. There are so many unbelievably beautiful SW fish but they're not cheap.

I see your Group is Validating. You will need to go to the email you received when you registered and click the link there to validate your membership. You will then be able to post in all sections.
Ok i tried several times to validate for the forum..it keeps telling me error >to contact forum administrator?????
You may need to PM or email one of the mods. Look at the list of everyone online at the bottom of the main forum page. The mods are in blue. Or you can try picking someone from this group. CFC is by far the most active of the group but Inchworm has been on most of the day today.

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