Hello - Going from 23l to 46l - Advice Please


New Member
May 20, 2020
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I've been running a nano 23l for about 7 months now, which has been stocked with 5 Neon Terta, 4 otos, 2 snails and until recently 2 cherry shrimp. Turns out the shrimp have done their business and I have about 20 more. Becuase of this the 23l is going to become a shrimp tank and I'm moving the fish to an edge 46l.

Im having problems with initial set up of the 46l though. It's been cycling for 3 days and it's still cloudy. The sand was cleaned before and I have since completed 3 50% changes. Am I missing something obvious?

Once the tank has settled do I transfer my fish the same way as I did when I got them from my LFS?

Thank you in advance.
Read this :) feel free to ask any questions
Read this :) feel free to ask any questions

Thanks, will have a butchers.
You might also consider additional mechanical fine filtering temporarily to get things cleared out. You will want to use fine media instead of what comes in whatever filter you get. I have 2 filters on my current tank that is cycling but one is purely because my local water is terrible for fish. My Main is a canister but I added a hang on back with just a fine sponge to clean the water and then crushed coral to stabilize the PH around 7.4 and add to the alk that sits at 0 from my tap.
Yea looks like it may be a last resort, empty re scape and go again :(
I dont think you would have rescape. Just drain the water and fill it again
You might also consider additional mechanical fine filtering temporarily to get things cleared out. You will want to use fine media instead of what comes in whatever filter you get. I have 2 filters on my current tank that is cycling but one is purely because my local water is terrible for fish. My Main is a canister but I added a hang on back with just a fine sponge to clean the water and then crushed coral to stabilize the PH around 7.4 and add to the alk that sits at 0 from my tap.

I’m going to head out to my LFS tomorrow and see what I can get hold of, current climate has left some shelves short. Thanks for the advice, I’ll let you know how I get on in the coming days.
I’m pretty certain you wouldn’t have to rescape. Just drain the water and then add fresh tap water back to the tank. It’s fairly common for the tank to cloud up.
The white cloudiness could just be a bacterial bloom, which are common in newly set up tanks. It will go away by itself.

As for moving the fish, move the filter media into the new tank at the same time as the fish. Don't move all of it if you are leaving the shrimps in the smaller tank, but move most of it.

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