Hello! I am Jacob, but you can call me Jacob. I am a 12-year-old boy from the Philippines who has been in the hobby for as long as I remember.
Only recently, around 6 months ago, I started being more serious about the hobby and learned about plants. My parents actually own a pet shop here locally.
I have a good amount of tanks, 3 2ft 15 gals, a 2ft tall 20gals, 2 1ft 7.5gal cubes. 4 2.5gal betta tanks, and, 1 large 5 gal betta tank.
The fish I currently own are Bettas, Angels, Platies, Guppies, Swordtails, Skirt Tetras, Flames, Redbellies, Zebra Danios, Shrimp, Polar Parrots, Congo Tetras, Rainbowfish, Pencil Tetras, and probably more that I forgot about.
I also breed fish a little! I have successfully bred the common livebearers, Bettas, Black skirt tetras, Zebra danios, Polar Parrots, Goldfish and Shrimp. I am planning on breeding my Flame tetras next.
I don't have a favorite fish! I love most of them. top ones on my list are Flame tetras, Rainbowfish, Platies, Redbelly tetras, Angels and of course we can't forget the betta. Aaaand... Also shrimps, can't get enough of them.
I am planning on getting a 45 gal 3ft tank for a few angels, rainbows and congo tetras.
The Red, Blue, and, Black betta is named Artis. The two male angels (Stripe and Marbs) was given to me by a friend whos' tank cracked and didn't have space. That pearlscale redeye female has no name and if you guys want you can name it!
Most my tanks are dirted/walstad
Here are my tanks! (Don't have a pic of all of them, on me right now but these are my best tanks)
Only recently, around 6 months ago, I started being more serious about the hobby and learned about plants. My parents actually own a pet shop here locally.
I have a good amount of tanks, 3 2ft 15 gals, a 2ft tall 20gals, 2 1ft 7.5gal cubes. 4 2.5gal betta tanks, and, 1 large 5 gal betta tank.
The fish I currently own are Bettas, Angels, Platies, Guppies, Swordtails, Skirt Tetras, Flames, Redbellies, Zebra Danios, Shrimp, Polar Parrots, Congo Tetras, Rainbowfish, Pencil Tetras, and probably more that I forgot about.
I also breed fish a little! I have successfully bred the common livebearers, Bettas, Black skirt tetras, Zebra danios, Polar Parrots, Goldfish and Shrimp. I am planning on breeding my Flame tetras next.
I don't have a favorite fish! I love most of them. top ones on my list are Flame tetras, Rainbowfish, Platies, Redbelly tetras, Angels and of course we can't forget the betta. Aaaand... Also shrimps, can't get enough of them.
I am planning on getting a 45 gal 3ft tank for a few angels, rainbows and congo tetras.
The Red, Blue, and, Black betta is named Artis. The two male angels (Stripe and Marbs) was given to me by a friend whos' tank cracked and didn't have space. That pearlscale redeye female has no name and if you guys want you can name it!
Most my tanks are dirted/walstad
Here are my tanks! (Don't have a pic of all of them, on me right now but these are my best tanks)
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