Hello from Louisiana

Thank you for all the recommendations!! I don’t mind larger tank requirements and I’m fine with separate tanks for fish-aggressive species! I love the colors of Odessa barbs but they aren’t a species I’m interested in keeping. And kuhli loaches were my #1 decision on my starter, I still might go with them unless I find something better. I like cichlids, I’m just not educated on them. I don’t know their care or good beginner cichlids so I haven’t really considered them. I do kind of like gourami as well! Another species i need to read up on more though
Awesome! I cant wait to see what your final decision is! Are you looking at doing aquatic plants? Most are very easy and ALMOST require nothing... I have java ferns and anubias and they dont get any special treatment... Their just there lol
Awesome! I cant wait to see what your final decision is! Are you looking at doing aquatic plants? Most are very easy and ALMOST require nothing... I have java ferns and anubias and they dont get any special treatment... Their just there lol
Yes absolutely! I really want to make my tank/s heavily planted
Hi & welcome to TFF... :)
Good thing, that you're looking for information first before setting up a tank. It does make sense that when you're a herpetology fan, that your choice of fish is also very specific. And yes, go for those fish that appeals to you...

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