Hello From England

Hiya guys, loving the Forum. Planning on setting up a FE 46l, in the hope of getting my head round the rituals before setting up something bigger

Cheers D
Let's hope your tank doesn't go the way of British Leyland. :) Welcome to the spot sir. West Brom or Wolves? :)
The main thing about the 46 litre edge is that it doesn't have much swimming length. Most fish don't mind the depth, it's those fish which need to gulp air at the surface which may have difficulties so as long as you avoid bettas and corydoras, most other fish would be OK.
You would need to look at fish which are OK with not much swimming length and come from waters with roughly the same hardness as your tap water. Check your water company's website for hardness - you need a number and the unit of measurement (there are several). Ignore the words they use as water companies make water sound harder than it really is.
If you have soft water, ember tetras, chili rasboras (Boraras brigittae, it may be sold under a different common name). For hard water look at endlers.
Well it turns out my water is Medium, I’m struggling to find a certain number though. Each search brings up similar result medium /moderate.

Essjay, thank you for your time and input.

Cheers D
Let's hope your tank doesn't go the way of British Leyland. :) Welcome to the spot sir. West Brom or Wolves? :)
Tits up? GB certainly isn’t the land it once was. Heart breaking.

My Grandad was a Die hard Albion fan, Black Country through and through. Me I’m a Manchester United fan ( I know, I know) I just admitted that in public 😂

Thanks for the welcome our kid
Cheers D
I’m struggling to find a certain number though.
What's the name of your water company and I'll see what I can find. The trouble is that words can be misleading, water companies usually make it sound harder than it really is.
What's the name of your water company and I'll see what I can find. The trouble is that words can be misleading, water companies usually make it sound harder than it really is.
Thank you Essjay, top lad 🤜🏻
My Water company is South Staffs and my postal code is B68
I've sent you a pm as I don't want to discuss locations in public.
We have now established The Dog's supply zone, and this is the hardness table, 173 ppm and 9.7 dH

The Dog's hardness.jpg

The hardness is at the top end of soft, going on to middling. This means it's too soft for those fish which must have hard water (eg mollies, Rift Lake cichlids) but too hard for those which must have very soft water. However, there are a number of soft water species which will be happy at this hardness, and a few hard water species can go this low as well.

The water quality report also gives nitrate - your mean level is 31 ppm, which is higher than we should keep nitrate at, though not as high as some places. Ideally we should keep nitrate below 20 ppm.
Well they don’t explain all this in the pet shops do they 🙄 Thank you Essjay that leaves me plenty room for thought

All the best D
Tits up? GB certainly isn’t the land it once was. Heart breaking.

My Grandad was a Die hard Albion fan, Black Country through and through. Me I’m a Manchester United fan ( I know, I know) I just admitted that in public 😂

Thanks for the welcome our kid
Cheers D
At least you didn't say Chelsea or Spurs which I can't, as an Arsenal support, tolerate in any fashion. :) Still... if I want that quality English experience there's always re-runs of Top Gear. :) Peace sir and happy tanking.
We have now established The Dog's supply zone, and this is the hardness table, 173 ppm and 9.7 dH

View attachment 157920

The hardness is at the top end of soft, going on to middling. This means it's too soft for those fish which must have hard water (eg mollies, Rift Lake cichlids) but too hard for those which must have very soft water. However, there are a number of soft water species which will be happy at this hardness, and a few hard water species can go this low as well.

The water quality report also gives nitrate - your mean level is 31 ppm, which is higher than we should keep nitrate at, though not as high as some places. Ideally we should keep nitrate below 20 ppm.
So how
At least you didn't say Chelsea or Spurs which I can't, as an Arsenal support, tolerate in any fashion. :) Still... if I want that quality English experience there's always re-runs of Top Gear. :) Peace sir and happy tanking.
At least you didn't say Chelsea or Spurs which I can't, as an Arsenal support, tolerate in any fashion. :) Still... if I want that quality English experience there's always re-runs of Top Gear. :) Peace sir and happy tanking.
I have to say, Football has been ruined for me, what with our American owners, the new rules, VAR and taking of the knee week in week out. Millionaire mercenaries with player power. The only decent football I see at old Trafford today is when the women play 😳 we’ve shared some good rivalry over the years 1L19, I’m not so sure we will enjoy said sport in the future.

Peace Brother and thank you


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