Hello From California.. Usa

therese marie

New Member
Mar 2, 2012
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WOW i just found this forum today and have been reading it all day. I am from Sunny California in the good old USA.. I need a cheat sheet since no one talks in 'dollars and gallons" LOL..
I currently have a 60 gallon, 40 gallon and a 20 gallon going on with various fish.
I am so glad I found this forum, so much great info here.
Hello from the other side of the big pond ! and Welcome to the forum.

Only been here a few weeks myself and still finding lots of new and interesting topics and info...enjoy.

BTW you might find the calculator at the top of the page helpful ;)
thank you SO much Pete for telling me about the Calculator.. I did not even notice it before so yes, going to be very handy.. :)
Hello there! I'm pretty new too and previously from Georgia (USA) but now I live in England so I'm just all over the place when it comes to measurements haha
thank you SO much Pete for telling me about the Calculator.. I did not even notice it before so yes, going to be very handy.. :)

Anytime... you're doing better than me already.

When I first joined it took me several days just to suss out how to put an avatar up...and as for posting photo's for the first time... :S

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