Hello Friends!


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Oct 23, 2015
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Hi! I recently asked my mum if I could have a fish and she said yes!! So I'm getting a fish (or multiple) for Christmas. I have done research on the nitrogen cycle and as I'm pretty young it's quite hard to understand?? My fish is going to be a Platy and I can only afford about up to a 50 litre tank but can anyone tell me if that's big enough?
I did research on basically everything but I think I might've missed a few things so if someone could tell me about things people normally miss out on that would be good.
Also I live in the uk so would anything differ from in the us?
Thanks everyone!!
First thing first.  Make sure you understand the nitrogen cycle so you can do a proper fishless cycle.  A proper fishless cycle takes about 4-6 weeks on average.  So make sure you get your tank about 1 1/2 months before getting fish so you can cycle it. Read my book on setting up a new tank.  Please click the attached link.  It will take you through every single step on setting up a tank and getting it running properly.


  • Fish Keeping Introduction.pdf
    1,023.3 KB · Views: 88
Hello and welcome!

I am so happy you've decided to go into fish keeping, but more excited that you're doing your research first. :)
I have platies and they are so colorful, I love them!
To answer a couple of your questions, a 50l is probably sufficient for a few platy. I would personally recommend 4-5 fish. Also, you're going to want to keep just boys or just girls so that way you don't end up with babies you have no room for. I would recommend boys because there is no way they can be pregnant when you buy them. I have all boys and I found they were larger and more colorful than most of the girls I saw as well.
You can look online to see a comparison between girl and boy platy to make sure you get the right ones.
Good luck on the cycling and let us know how it all goes. :)
Hi welcome!

Platies are fun! Good to know you are researching before setting up..

Patience is the key in the beginning stages..

All the best!

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