Hello fish friends 😁👋


New Member
Oct 17, 2022
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Just a quick introduction...I am no good at these.
I've been an a aquarium hobbyist for as long as I can remember, thanks to my parents starting me off at age 4. My early tanks were 10 to 25 gallons and were goldfish to start and then moved on to live bearers and other tropicals.
I was always the kid on the lookout for old tanks put out on the curb to fix up. I also kept an outdoor tank with creatures and fish from the local pond.
I moved on to African cichlids in my teens for a bit while I was saving up for a large saltwater tank with refugium.
For the majority of my years in the hobby they were with saltwater and corals. Due to life circumstances, I slowly lost the tank and could no longer afford the upkeep of such a large tank. I had to regrettably sell everything.
I have been without fish for several years now but never lost the itch... but bitter that I had to give up my previous hard work and tank. Humbling to say the least...
Recently got a fluval flex 15 to sit on my counter. It does feel so small compared to what I had for so long but also brings back much childhood nostalgia.
Right now I have had the tank running since September.
I am slowly acquiring more and more plants (not much selection lately) and started tank with 10 Celestial Pearl Danios as I love the trout look of them, they called me back into the hobby so to speak.😉
They are not as shy for me and thoroughly enjoy their antics and drama lol.
Add to that now Ember Tetras, pygmy cories, a few amano shrimps and 2 hitchhiker snails that I have refused to remove because I have a stupid fascination with pond and bladder snails.🤗
I guess from my old days collecting them and putting them into big pickle jars as a kid, I have soft spot for them...
Plus this (pond snail?) is a blondy with black spots. Never had me one of those... 🤔lol
Glad to find this forum to help brush up and stay current on latest info and of course offer any help or knowledge I can. Take care, see you around.🙂
Some pics...How it started...And how it's going. Tank started in September on labor day this year.
Used fluval stratum and local rocks and branches and a few plants that lfs had. Some plants definitely I will replace as not all are what I really wanted.


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Welcome to the forum!
Your tank looks great!
Your tank is very nice. Sounds like you have a lot of experience. I too have found the shape of the Celestial Danios interesting, but it wasn't till you mentioned they are trout like did the association develop in my mind, your description is very apt.
Your tank is very nice. Sounds like you have a lot of experience. I too have found the shape of the Celestial Danios interesting, but it wasn't till you mentioned they are trout like did the association develop in my mind, your description is very apt.
Remind me of lil Brookies. 😁


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Hi and welcome to TFF... :hi:
Nice looking tank you've got there...

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