Hi, you've got a nice selection of plants there, although they are mostly slow to medium growth rate so it does make it a little harder to go for a silent cycle over a fishless one. You have ammonia on the way though so that shouldn't be a problem.
That salvinia is a great floating plant for mopping up extra nutrients in the water column, it's one of my favourites and always does a good job of out competing algae for me. My Otocinclus also love grazing in its shorter roots.
One word of warning about planted tanks during a fishless cycle though, sometimes the plants really don't like the increased level of ammonia and will die off.
I've just cycled a new tank and faced that problem, although the plants that didn't survive were mostly the more delicate ones. I can't see anything on your list that is particularly delicate, but I haven't put them through a cycle so I can't tell you they will survive for sure.