New Member
Hi to everyone, i have had a tropical aquarium for a number of years and just found this great looking forum (same board software as mine).
Currently have a 90 Litre tank with a large Pleco (9" long), 3 neons, 1 Zebra Danio, 2 Rummynose, 3 neons, and 1 Serpae Tetra. And a large infestation of snails which im trying to clear daily. Need to restock i know, but lost a few fish when I moved house not long ago. Any advice and restock tips would be muchly appreciated.
Beers on me then, since im the newbie eh
Currently have a 90 Litre tank with a large Pleco (9" long), 3 neons, 1 Zebra Danio, 2 Rummynose, 3 neons, and 1 Serpae Tetra. And a large infestation of snails which im trying to clear daily. Need to restock i know, but lost a few fish when I moved house not long ago. Any advice and restock tips would be muchly appreciated.
Beers on me then, since im the newbie eh