Heh Heh Heh!


Jun 9, 2008
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Ok, recently i added a troop of Pepper cories (6) from my LFS to my community. Up until recently, they all halled up in the back corner, shaded by the plants. However, i realised that cories love ditches! The little guys had chosen that spot because the gravel had been indented by the gravel vac! Seeing this, i decided to experiment and make a little cory play area where i could see them :p This is now their favorite haunt lol. After creating it, all of the fish were amazed by the streams of tiny bubbles appearing off the clay pot, after the hubub had died down, two cories left their spot and snooped around (see picture) Later, after rejoining the main group, all the cories are there! lol Has anyone else noticed cories love onf enclosed spaces? Finlay
p.s can you confirm that they are indeed peppers? My LFS has become in the habit of labeling fish wrong!
i havent noticed that with my corys they shoot round the hole tank
and they look like peppered corys but im no expert
They look like peppered corries to me, Mine like wee hollows in the gravel too, once they get settled and bigger im sure they'll be "snuffling" around the tank!
Deffo peppers i got 3, did have 4 but one died shortly after putting it in the tank, now 2 have paired up and the other accasionally goes and visits them.
I have 3 peppered, and one day they can be lazy and just sit under my bogwood, then other days they can be darting around the tank up and down the glass.

ive not seen them do their dart to the surface thing for some time tho, but i suppose now they have sand in there theyre quite happy rummaging arond :good:
I've got seven julii corys (or false juliis? i'm still not sure what the difference is between them) and they are horribly shy!! They've got plenty of hiding places--it's a heavily planted tank, but the only way to ever see them is to sit very, very still and wait! any movement and they rush to the back of the tank!

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