

Fish Fanatic
Feb 12, 2012
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my water continues to stay cloudy.. whhaaa do i do?? do i keep doing water changes?
It's just a bacterial bloom. Don't worry about it, it'll pass in time :)
how big is the tank? whats the stokcing? did you recently add sand? is it cycling? if it is cycling then it is most likely a bacterial bloom, water changes will help a little, but the water will stay cloudy even when you do do a water change, after about 3 days it should go away :good:
good luck mate! I hope the water clears up soon!
I am on day 37 of my fishless cycle, and i as of yet havent experienced a bacterial bloom yet! knowing my luck, It will arrive when im about to put fish in! ha! :crazy:
I have never had a bacteria bloom, but what kind of cloudy is it? do you have drift wood in there making the water a brown cloudy? is it a green cloudy? White cloudy? MOAR info plzz lol :D water changes will help most problems Hopefully it clears up mate GL
okay.. so its a 10 gallon with 7 fancy man guppies and a golden mystery snail.. i did a fishless cycle with a friends used filter for about two weeks.. then added my fish.. i don't have any driftwood.. just some live plants.. one of which was dying, so i decided to take it out, just incase it was adding to the problem. after i added the fish though, i did a two week water change and a few days after that i put in a new filter ( this is where i realize i went wrong, i shouldve just rinsed it out and kept using it..) but i didn't so now my poor fishies are having to deal with my mistake! so after the 1st cleaning i waited a week to do another one cause it was starting to get a green cloudy tint to it.. after i changed 40 percent of the water and it was looking great for a couple days.. but now its as cloudy as it was before.. tomorrow is time for the weekly cleaning.. i was planning on doing 40 percent.. should i wait it out?
Grean cloudy is an Algea Bloom, not a bacterial bloom (which is milky).

What are your exact water stats?

Dont wait it out, you shold be doing weekly water changes anyway, its only a 10 gallon so a weekly 50% water change is not a hard thing to do.

I would do a few 80% water changes every other day for a week. You water will soon be crystal.

algae is usually a result of extra nutrients in the water like, excess nitrites, ammonia, lots of light, etc. so if i were you i would just stay on top of water quality, and reduce the lighting to 8 hours a day :good:
good luck!
thanks for the help guys! just did a 50 percent water change last night.. things are looking good, and i'm hopeing, like you all said it will pass in time,,, i have a feeling it might get cloudy again.. but.. water changes! :) .. and i've reduced my light cycle to 8 hrs.. been doing that for 2 days now... how long should i continue?
.....2 days after the water change and the water already seems like its wanting to turn cloudy again.. i think when its ready for a week water change im gonna do a 60 percent and rinse my filter ( in my tank water ) and the inside of the filter as well.. ( it seems when i turn my filter back on after its been off, its puffs out cloudy water.. not a whole lot, but u cam see it ) maybe that will help too?

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