hedgehog fish?


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
I have come accross a strange item.

It would appear that Zebra danios have
4 genes in them from hedgehogs.

I wonder what other genes other fish have?

Read the full article here but it is well over my head.
Doh just put a hedgehog in my 70l and some danios in my lettuce patch and they both died :blink: :whistle:
Genetics is way over my head. As I understand it, we share about 98% of our genes with chimpanzees, but as we share about 70% with mice and cabbages, that ain't necessarily saying a lot. Mice I can cope with....mammals, got little hands and feet, twitchy noses....and the mice have too! Cabbages I'm not so happy to be a first cousin to! Brings home all those things my teachers used to tell me.... :rofl:

Ok, gotta go now, gonna lie on the sofa and veg out ~ yoiks ~ !!! :rofl:

As organisms evolve, any genes that are no longer used arn't removed, they are simply 'switched off' This means we still have the inactive genes of fish, amphibians reptiles, apes and every other stage of evolution that we went through to get to where we are now, including single-celled protazoa that are both animal & vegitable!

It's even possible to get some of these domant genes to 'wake' up.

Birds are directly decended from the same branch of psudoreptillians that the dinosaurs belonged to and some evolved more recently than others.

The Ground Hornbill of Africa is a large predatory bird living on the plains of Africa which runs down and eats small mammals & reptiles.

With a little gene therepy, it is possible to turn this bird into a 'living dinosaur'- as the domant genes activate, the bird grown teeth in its bill, and a long scaly tail.

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