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You had a water shortage more recently than '76 in Yorkshire, didn't you?

After that year Northumbrian water built a reservoir at Kielder which all the other water companies said was a white elephant. Northumbrian Water had the last laugh though. Not only have we not had a hosepipe ban in the 30 years I've lived here, but they were filling up tankers from a nearby water storage unit to take down to Yorkshire a decade or so ago.
No-one ever thought there could possibly be a drought. But my geography teacher told us "the UK doesn't have climate, it only has weather". By this he meant that climate is the pattern of weather that repeats itself every year. The weather in the UK is so unpredictable that it's never the same two years running. So we can have years where it rains constantly and we get floods. Then we get years where it doesn't rain and we get droughts. These extremes are becoming more common, though, and it takes infrastructure such as flood defence schemes and water collection schemes a long time to catch up.

But our summer weather is usually a few days of cold and rain then a few days of warm and dry. Then back to cold and wet.
No-one ever thought there could possibly be a drought. But my geography teacher told us "the UK doesn't have climate, it only has weather". By this he meant that climate is the pattern of weather that repeats itself every year. The weather in the UK is so unpredictable that it's never the same two years running. So we can have years where it rains constantly and we get floods. Then we get years where it doesn't rain and we get droughts. These extremes are becoming more common, though, and it takes infrastructure such as flood defence schemes and water collection schemes a long time to catch up.

But our summer weather is usually a few days of cold and rain then a few days of warm and dry. Then back to cold and wet.
Which is why I can’t see me moving back up there again. Shorts n t shirt for 6 months of the year down here....though the hard waters a pain fishkeeping wise I’ve recently discovered.
It's as bad down south for rain then sun etc. Just that it gets a bit warmer than up here.

I was born and brought up in Lancashire, and that is wetter than here on the east side of the country. That's why Lancashire was cotton spinning as that needs damp air while Yorkshire was wool spinning as that needs dry air. All that rain falls on the Penines so there's not much left by the time it reaches the east :)

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