Heating Options - 220ltr Tank


Feb 14, 2006
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UK - East Midlands
Looking for some advice on the heating whilst setting up new 220Ltr tank.
See below for tank details:

Tank Heating:
The tank came supplied with a single Interpet 300w heater.

This would seem to be perfectly adequate, but I'm considering swapping this for 2 lower rated heaters.
Having one at each end of the tank would give a more even temperature spread and also give some cover should one of the heaters fail. As heaters dont cost much it seems like a 'no lose' option.

Is this a good/sensible idea ? If so would 2x150W be a good choice.

Under Gravel Heating:
I'm also planning on fitting a substrate heating cable. To aid plant growth and help avoid any
'bad patches' associated with a sand based substrate.
I've not used one before, are they worth it and any reccommendations on size/wattage for a 220Ltr tank ?

Note: For a substrate, I'm planning on using a layer of flourite/laterite (or similar) under a top layer of sand
(but this may change)

Current plan for this tank is ...
The current plan for this tank is to be a well planted tank with bogwood & rocks and additional CO2....
The plan is to have at least a part of the substrate planted with a Hemianthus C carpet.

> Rena 120 Panorama (220Ltr) with cabinet.
> Filter = Fluval 305 External Filter
> Inline UV steriliser
> Interpet Luminaire (4x36W T5 tubes) with 2 x Interpet daylight 2 x Interpet Triplus tubes.

> Tank Heater ?
> Substrate Heating Cable ?

Many thanks
Mr G
Sounds good :good:

I can recommend the heater cable idea. Mine has seen much denser and speedier root development.


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