Heater package - good?


New Member
Dec 6, 2003
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ok ok ok...

i have a 10 gallon tank... (not heated) as of right now
petcetera has a deal for $40 with everything.. heater, air pump, everything... im strongly considering buying it..

right now my 10 gallon has a live plants in 1 corner... a styrafoam cup like thing for the eggs... and an air pump..

the male didnt seem interested in the female when she was in the trap so i let her out....
shes more interested in him than he is in her..

i just bought freeze dried brine shrimp to feed them as i heard it is good for getting them in the mood...

would a heater and hood help that much? heaters r $30 and i can get heater in the setup with the 10 gallon for $40 so i might aswell get the whole setup....

if a heater would help the breeding go along then ill invest the $40

any suggestions?
Well it depends on what temperature the tank stays at without the heater. Basically your tank needs to be 80 degrees or a couple degrees more for spawning and needs to stay consistant, no variance. Also the same for the fry after they hatch, they can't have the temperature going up and down, they aren't strong enough to handle it. So if your tank temperature isn't high enough or fluctuates without the heater, then YES you need a heater :)

Hope this helps

i would get the heater. Bettas aren't cold water fish, they need the water to be warmer.
I think it would help in this situation as well to help the spawning along

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