Heater Killed My Fish!

Sorry to hear about your loss.

That's why you have 2 heaters with both rated for half the volume of your tank. If one gets stuck on it's not hot enough to kill your fish and gives you time to notice it and the other stays off.

So many fish deaths because of heaters and everyone should do this.
They need to make these things fail proof. I have never heard of a pool or spa getting to 150degrees with there heaters stuck. They just turn off haha.

Heres the inside of the heater

The "heating" element

The new heater
Any other fish in the tank as I would keep a look out for swim bladder, whitespot, and columnaris.
I also got the Marineland Stealth after my disaster. Good choice. Not the cheapest, but they were highly rated by a lot of folks. Nothing lasts forever, but it should give you good service. I just wish when heaters failed that they would stick in the off mode, rather on on!
i am confused which is easily done LOL, its a coldwater tank isn't it? Why any heater let alone a 400W one!!!! ??? No one's even mentioned that so far, so i presume i have missed something? But its late (02.36) in the morning so perhaps i have missed something LOL
Well I was under the assumption a 400 watt heater was ok for a 55 gallon and bigger. Just goes to show you you cant believe everything you read.

I added a heater recently just because. I also have tin foil barbs and a pleco and under the assumption they like a little warmer water. Goldfish are perfectly fine living in 75 degree water. Theres plenty of other threads where people bash me about putting a mix like this. Lets not make this thread into that.

10:31pm current temp is 82.2 and 82.5 (far left and far right temps)
Feed food, all eating

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