Heater Buggered.. Need Ideas Asap Please!


Fish Fanatic
Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
Norwich, UK
So.. The heater on my 6 gallon just blew up! The tank has already dropped to 19c.. I have a female fighter and three guppies in there at the mo.

There's no way I can get a new heater til tomorrow (probably 10am at the earliest).. Does anyone have any suggestions about how I can heat the tank up/keep it warm overnight?
Wrap the tank in towels and close windows and doors in the room. Turn heating up etc. Dont open tank lid and You could also leave the tank lights on since they expel heat aswell.

Your Betta will probably be fine, the guppies are also fairly hardy so should survive also.
keep light on all night,
wrap newspaper around the tank
tin foil over the top

if you can prepare some de chlord water at the right temp do a water change - dont change it for cold water, but add some hot water to get it at the right temp before adding it

cuddle the tank :)

buy 2 heaters when you go out tomorrow - insurance for next time...
Yeah, I've already decided I'm gonna keep a spare (and NOT use the spare!!)

Thanks guys, I put the heating on as high as I can already, will leave lights on overnight and am now about to start wrapping!!

Thanks a lot :)
I've heard of people in the summer filling empty 2 liter of soda pop with water and freezing it when the temp gets too hot. What about doing the opposite? Add hot water to the container and drop it in the tank along with the other suggestions given? :dunno:
I've heard of people in the summer filling empty 2 liter of soda pop with water and freezing it when the temp gets too hot. What about doing the opposite? Add hot water to the container and drop it in the tank along with the other suggestions given? :dunno:

This is one of the best ideas I've heard in a while. It's one of those "why didn't I think of that" things. :good:
That is indeed a hella good idea.. I'ma leave them for now as the tank is at 24, but I'm gonna keep checking them through the night and if it drops too much I'll give that a go :)

Thanks again for all your suggestions! I didn't expect replies so quickly! :D

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