Heart Stopping Moment

that's good to know PJM, I can do without forking out for a new one only to find the new one does the same thing!!
Yipe! Glad to know it wasn't the tank though. Water bottles it is until you get a new heater, I guess...
HarpyFishLover said:
Water bottles it is until you get a new heater, I guess...
No, I've managed to borrow an internal heater. It's only a 55 watt so it's gonna be on a lot but it's only for a few days until my new heater arrives :)
That's the biggest problem I've had with hydor heaters. I would have the temperature set for 75° F, and the temperature would always be 82° F or more. I even turned it down to the lowest setting and the temperature barely moved.

Go with Eheim. It's pinpoint accurate.
My Hydor is accurate.  It's a problem with many heaters, the dial isn't quite accurate to the thermostat which is another reason why we need secondary thermometers to double check :)
  It's a problem with many heaters, the dial isn't quite accurate to the thermostat which is another reason why we need secondary thermometers to double check
My Aquael heater is 4 deg c out according to 2 of  my thermometers, If set to 28 on the dial the water heats up to 32.  I actually just sent them a nasty email about it.
well my tank is sat at 23 degrees. The little internal heater that I've borrowed is set to 24 so it needs turning up a little bit. The new external should be here no later than Friday.
This hydor external has been on my tank for nearly three years (as already mentioned) and in that time it's been quite accurate - I can't complain. 
NickAu said:
  It's a problem with many heaters, the dial isn't quite accurate to the thermostat which is another reason why we need secondary thermometers to double check
My Aquael heater is 4 deg c out according to 2 of  my thermometers, If set to 28 on the dial the water heats up to 32.  I actually just sent them a nasty email about it.
Out a degree or two is bad enough but that's surely beyond any expected tolerance.  Maybe the production lines just ram the dials on regardless of where they're set.  QA leaves a lot to be desired sometimes.
5 deg. C is 9 deg. F... quite a lot to be off. What are you doing to keep your temp down?
well my tank is holding up at between 23 and 24 degrees with this little internal heater. It must be working it's socks off trying to keep it at that. My new heater still hasn't arrived and I'm getting a bit jittery now. 23-24 is a bit cold for my angels 
new heater had arrived and has just been fitted. I've set it to 25 to begin with and managed to face it so that the dial is at the front so I don't need to twist it to see it. Now it's just a case of allowing the tank to warm up a couple of degree's and see if it holds. I'm guessing it'll take a couple of hours???
Yup, a few hours at least as most heaters raise temperature slowly.
I usually monitor new heaters over at least 12 hours, checking it every 3 - 4 hours or so to see if stays at a particular temp or keeps rising.
well the temp at the moment has fallen slightly - it's at 22.3. I'm wondering whether I should plug the small internal back in for now
Oh yeah, put on the usual equipment you usually have on. Have the tank running as normal.
the internal I've been running isn't there normally - it was added because my old external broke ch4rlie. It's been running almost constant trying to keep the temp up as it's only 55w ... my tank is 240 litre. I've got the new external running now and I've unplugged the internal ... temp had dropped but it's coming back up a bit now. Hopefully by early evening I should be right

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