Healing The Uarus


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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As some of you know I rescued some uaru that were in bad shape fin rot HITH. I have had them for 2 days now. They are doing better. No longer showing signs of stress fins are starting heal.

They were in a 90 gal tank I was thinking of buying. The tank was over filtered but I'm sure they were dirty one filter was not flowing well. There was a 7 inch common pleco some kind of African catfish 1 tiger barb and the 3 fish I saved. Two 5" uaru and a 3" African buffalo head cichlid. The uaru did not even fight when I caught them. They were so stressed out and hung at the surface. I was shocked at how bad the hith was and the ripped fins. I asked do they nip eachother because they look like they had been fighting. The lady sad no. These people really did not care a out these awesome fish.

They told me there is a female buffalo head in here some place I said it might be dead they said no it just hides. As I was trying to catch the fish I moved a decoration and half of a fish floats to the top there was the female at this point I did not know what to say so I kept my mouth shut because I wanted to go off. They saidthats weird I just saw berthed other day it had been dead for a week or more.

So I got the fish home safe The buffalo head when right in the 55gal community. The uaru are in a 20 gal to heal. It's easy to do Daily wc on a 20 gal. Also my other cichlids might stress the uaru out. They are eatting well they snack on java moss I feed them veggie flakes cichlid pellets krill and they go crazy for frozen bloodworms. They are not as shy around me now. The first day if I looked at them they would hide.

I try and keep the temp at 80-82 f but have been dealing with heater problems I hope it's fixed now. They are more active when warm. These are fun fish they are always together it's cute. They are growing on me. They are smart fish remind me of an Oscar that likes to school.

So I will post more photo once they start to heal.

Here they are today going nuts for bloodworms.

here is the one with a dent in his head from what I don't know.

here is the other.

eatting bloodworms together.


Here is the poor buffalo head. He's a really cool fish.

So those. Are my rescue fish. We will see how they turn out.
glad to see some more photos of them
looks like there in good hands looks like you might
get some scaring when they heal what are you treating
them with
I did notice the bump on the other pics I think it will be one of two things, birth defect or a result of stunting - as they fatten out though it might pad out a bit maybe?

Can you buy Waterlife Octozin in the USA? It is generally regarded as a very good treatment for healing HITH wounds, and minimising its effects. It may also be worth feeding them garlic enriched foods to help boost their immune systems

Too be fair though apart from the obvious pitting their colours seem strong and their fins seem to be in good condition,

Nice work on rescuing them btw :good:
I have never seen that stuff before davo I will look around. The fins should heal up well quickly. I had a scare this morning :crazy: . I head a loud crack and then splash. I ran over and saw my brand new heater I got last night had blown up . The poor fish were so freaked they are fine besides that. I did a big water change and put my spare heater in. I was so mad.

Anyways only thing I'm treating them with is daily 50% wc and lots of differant kinds of food but mainly veggies I don't think they have ever had veggies of any kind before. They went nuts for the blood worms. I don't want to use any meds yet I might try something in a week if they are not getting better. But I rather not use any.

I will post more photos as they heal. Thanks guys.
Any updates on these guys? Had a bit of an empty out of decor in my tank and getting tempted to rescue an Uaru near me but I know I shouldnt...
They are doing fine will be better once I have a good heater. Right now the temp is 75f I want it at 80f they seem happyest at higher temps. One of them is a picky the other with the dent will try anything. Yet they both go nuts for frozen blood worms. They eat the java moss as a snack. My festivum also like to eat the moss.

I Ordered a new heater, water treatment that should help heal them, and some fish Vitamin that should help with the HITH. The fins are looking better. I can't wait for that stuff to get here. They really need warmer water.

How bad is the uaru near you? They are slow growers once they hit 5". Some people on another forum think mine might have been stunted. I don't know about that. So that will give you time to upgrade. But if you like plants forget about them. These guys love anything green. My blockheads cichlid is doing great his tail is starting to grow. This fish is awesome he cracks me up if you find one of these guys get it I know he's African but whatever.
He isnt that bad - about 5 inches like you said been there quite a few months now nearly a year probs but he is in a tiny tank and nothing that can be done about it the store is just a little middle of nowhere place that isnt selling fish at the speed it needs too. Glad yours are getting better :)

Oh I see. Uaru are cool fish. I'm so tempted to get some heros notatus fry but I have no space now that I got these guys so I know how it is.
I will have to get some new photos. These guys are healing up well. The holes are getting darkers as they heal. One of the I can see his are almost smooth no longer a big indent. They fins are looking good still have a little ways to go on the back bottom fin.

I got my new heater and the weather has been warm they love warm water. They are
getting to know me dent head comes over to say hi when I check on them. Dent head is the more out going and a very good eatter the other is a bit more shy and a bit picky. I'm trying to get them to eat some romain lettuce. The shy one Thats picky loves the romain.

So all and all I think in a few more weeks I can add them to the main tank.
Update. So this is the same fish as the one in the first photo on the left with the longer hole. Also seen in photo 4 on the left.

You can see it is healing up well I'm so happy. I have more photos but photobucket is not working for me right now.


these are some tough fish.

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