Fish Crazy
Today i feel like quiting and since this is my journal on a fish forum site you all get to deal with my rant... unless of course you don't read the post haha.
Snails....*insert non family friendly language here* Snails..... I have had nothing but problems with snails... i have some nasaurius ( sp? ) that are around still although from what i read they don't eat a whole lot of algae but any time i add any variety of Turbo snail they just stay where i put them till i decide they must be dead (usually 3 - 4days) or less if its obvious as in shrimp turn them over and start picking... so without snails in the tank i have had CUC issues and wow is it starting to show, i have hermits and some emerald crabs and a few shrimp.. but its a 90G tank...... And to make matters worse i was at 6 LFS's last weekend and the only snails any of them have are turbo's and i would rather try something different before going back to turbos cause seriously... Ive tried different acclimation processes and practices to no avail, biggest confusion here is that other inverts and corals seem to be doing just fine GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Tank looks absolutely Terrible right now.. mostly due to afore mentioned CUC issues and there being fish... in hindsight i shouldn't have added anything after my clowns once i realized the snails were becoming an issue..... *facepalm* Again corals/fish seemed (i say seemed cause there are some fish issues now) happy and healthy, mostly its the sand that looks awful, i have been doing WC's more than i had hoped to be doing but its not making much differnce and my water tests along with tests done by 3 fish places all agree that my water stats are good... again as evidenced by coral health and such... the other day i siphoned a bunch of algae out as part of a wc, and it looked ok for a few days but then....... *le sigh*
I've lost a coral and a few fish i will admit, mostly due to my own lack of knowledge and just not doing things right.. and maybe not doing them in the right order.. for example the firefish who got chased around by the flame angel for 2 days then went and hid never to be seen again.... then there was the orange spot goby.... no idea what killed him, feel terrible about that... Only coral i lost was a frogspawn that i really think just got too cold since it was nasty out when i picked him up.. also i think some of the heads were physically damaged during transport.... so that one i chalk up to Upsetting, but educational.
Also in an attempt to deal with bubbles on the back wall i upset my BTA (purchased in a moment of weakness but with weekly feedings was doing great) who is now moving around the tank looking for a new spot.. not a huge deal but seems to be putting itself in some pretty strange places, but that i can deal with.
And then a little ago i made my biggest mistake... Every week when i went to the one LFS i spent a good 15min just watching a beautiful powder brown tang... the 3rd week the store owner goes.. why don't you just buy him.. i say hmm... how long has he been here, owner says 5 weeks... he looks healthy, ive been watching him for 3 weeks so after some price negotiation i take him home, i'd purchased other fish from him in the past and he is one of those owners who asks all kinds of questions before selling you a fish, one of those ones that cares about the hobby not just $$$$. Everyone was doing great then a few nights ago i notice The tang, Flame Angel, and Royal Grammas seem to have "gone to bed" a little early, i didn't really worry about it, everyone still eating and active, then yesterday i notice the tang swimming pretty much strait on into the Vortech.. okay a little strange but the clowns play in the current to so whatever... then last night the 10000k lights go off and under the blues.... Tang is covered... and i mean Covered in white, some looks spottish like salt, some more like a... i cant even describe it... flossy? i dunno... needless to say...
*also insert some colourful language* at myself for not doing things properly. As of this morning i can see spots on Tang, Flame and Royal Gramma... only 1 now the other died today, but didn't look white spottishy, im kinda wondering if it had a run in with Nem who has moved into the area it called home because was alive but swimming stiffly this morning then later was dead beside the Nem... Tang is still active, and everyone is still eating, clowns so far seem unaffected. So now i have Ich in my reef tank... TO THE INTERNET...... no such thing as reef safe treatment *more adult language* ... awesome..... so now i need to dismantle the tank to get the fish out... but next issue being... i have a 20g sitting here... but if i put all the fish in there they will probably stress themselves to death.. so now im looking around for a cheap or free tank i can use as a second hospital tank.. im thinking if i can find a 30 i can put just the tang in there or maybe tang and flame angel... so i have a HOB filter running in the sump and extra filter media floating as well hoping i can have colonized media for filters for Hospital tanks...
Today i considered hitting the tank with with a hammer a few times and just calling it fixed, but i think i would regret that almost immediately after doing it so decided not too..... really im just frustrated cause my tank isnt the amazing window to another world that i know it can be with a little work..
really i think i just needed to type all that out....
Snails....*insert non family friendly language here* Snails..... I have had nothing but problems with snails... i have some nasaurius ( sp? ) that are around still although from what i read they don't eat a whole lot of algae but any time i add any variety of Turbo snail they just stay where i put them till i decide they must be dead (usually 3 - 4days) or less if its obvious as in shrimp turn them over and start picking... so without snails in the tank i have had CUC issues and wow is it starting to show, i have hermits and some emerald crabs and a few shrimp.. but its a 90G tank...... And to make matters worse i was at 6 LFS's last weekend and the only snails any of them have are turbo's and i would rather try something different before going back to turbos cause seriously... Ive tried different acclimation processes and practices to no avail, biggest confusion here is that other inverts and corals seem to be doing just fine GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Tank looks absolutely Terrible right now.. mostly due to afore mentioned CUC issues and there being fish... in hindsight i shouldn't have added anything after my clowns once i realized the snails were becoming an issue..... *facepalm* Again corals/fish seemed (i say seemed cause there are some fish issues now) happy and healthy, mostly its the sand that looks awful, i have been doing WC's more than i had hoped to be doing but its not making much differnce and my water tests along with tests done by 3 fish places all agree that my water stats are good... again as evidenced by coral health and such... the other day i siphoned a bunch of algae out as part of a wc, and it looked ok for a few days but then....... *le sigh*
I've lost a coral and a few fish i will admit, mostly due to my own lack of knowledge and just not doing things right.. and maybe not doing them in the right order.. for example the firefish who got chased around by the flame angel for 2 days then went and hid never to be seen again.... then there was the orange spot goby.... no idea what killed him, feel terrible about that... Only coral i lost was a frogspawn that i really think just got too cold since it was nasty out when i picked him up.. also i think some of the heads were physically damaged during transport.... so that one i chalk up to Upsetting, but educational.
Also in an attempt to deal with bubbles on the back wall i upset my BTA (purchased in a moment of weakness but with weekly feedings was doing great) who is now moving around the tank looking for a new spot.. not a huge deal but seems to be putting itself in some pretty strange places, but that i can deal with.
And then a little ago i made my biggest mistake... Every week when i went to the one LFS i spent a good 15min just watching a beautiful powder brown tang... the 3rd week the store owner goes.. why don't you just buy him.. i say hmm... how long has he been here, owner says 5 weeks... he looks healthy, ive been watching him for 3 weeks so after some price negotiation i take him home, i'd purchased other fish from him in the past and he is one of those owners who asks all kinds of questions before selling you a fish, one of those ones that cares about the hobby not just $$$$. Everyone was doing great then a few nights ago i notice The tang, Flame Angel, and Royal Grammas seem to have "gone to bed" a little early, i didn't really worry about it, everyone still eating and active, then yesterday i notice the tang swimming pretty much strait on into the Vortech.. okay a little strange but the clowns play in the current to so whatever... then last night the 10000k lights go off and under the blues.... Tang is covered... and i mean Covered in white, some looks spottish like salt, some more like a... i cant even describe it... flossy? i dunno... needless to say...

Today i considered hitting the tank with with a hammer a few times and just calling it fixed, but i think i would regret that almost immediately after doing it so decided not too..... really im just frustrated cause my tank isnt the amazing window to another world that i know it can be with a little work..
really i think i just needed to type all that out....