I informed him that i had done everything as informed, and began my fishless cycle 3 days ago, he then said that they had not told us to do a fishless cycle, and that in trying to do this i would be potentially putting my fish at risk

Okay... and what does he think cycling with fish is? Potentially it could be bad if you don't cycle long enough but when cycling with fish it IS going to put the fish at risk... I don't think he cares about the animal at all.

Fishless does take longer but you just gotta be patient. It's worth it if you care about your fishies.
If fishless cycleing did "nothing at all" then you could symply do a water change and there would be no harm to your fish however I think its a good idea to toss in some food or other orgaic matter to provide the bacteria with other bits and bobs that they need to grow.

Good luck

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