He Ate All The Fry :(


New Member
Aug 24, 2007
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had them, they hatched fine and this morning he was looking after them perfectly. Came home earlier and he had destroyed the nest and eaten virtually all the new babies. :-(

There are literally a few unhatched eggs left and i have noticed one or 2 fry on the bottom alive.

Taken dad out so he doesn't eat them too and have given the fry some egg yolk solution for the time being until i get the liquifry no1 from ebay.

Will any survive? Really disapointed...
Sorry you lost your fry. :(
As long as you fed the remaining ones quite well, then they have a good chance of surviving.
Even though some people have had success with keeping the father in with the babies, it's not recommended as he will see them as food. If you are to breed again, then it is best to remove the dad as soon as the fry start to hatch.
had them, they hatched fine and this morning he was looking after them perfectly. Came home earlier and he had destroyed the nest and eaten virtually all the new babies. :-(

There are literally a few unhatched eggs left and i have noticed one or 2 fry on the bottom alive.

Taken dad out so he doesn't eat them too and have given the fry some egg yolk solution for the time being until i get the liquifry no1 from ebay.

Will any survive? Really disapointed...

soeone correct me if im wrong (and id be very happy to hear if i am) but betta fry wont take liquifry, they need small live foods. mine were fed on a live cultre of daphnia taken from a local pond and cultured in a large plastic jar for a few weeks and added when the fry were about 2days old. the tank was well planted and also had a natural population of some sort of freshwater copypods, which fed the fry nicely.
I think you're right Blue. Most people seem to use microworms or vinegar eels for the first week or two.
I think you're right Blue. Most people seem to use microworms or vinegar eels for the first week or two.

ive heard forlk talk about vinigar eels, but what are they?

yeah id like to know too. also i already have a culture of daphnia - of the smaller type, will they be edible? i also have a limited amount of BBS.
i like to use bbs after the first 4 days until they're about a month and a half old. vinegar eels are small aquatic nematodes
i like to use bbs after the first 4 days until they're about a month and a half old. vinegar eels are small aquatic nematodes
are they like tinny white worms? i was trying to collect some new daphnia for a new culture but with all the rain we had the pond was very saturated and the daphnia spread out but i was getting milllions of tiny worms but i didnt know what they were and threw them back
yeah id like to know too. also i already have a culture of daphnia - of the smaller type, will they be edible? i also have a limited amount of BBS.
my theory was that by adding the daphnia culture to the tank, and feeding the culture frozen micro plancton, the daphnia will breed and the baby daphnia will be eaten by the fry, while the adults are free to continue breeding, and will make a good food when the fry get bigger. by then they will be able to take powdered flake and frozzen cyclops
yes they do need microworms or vinager eels for the first week.

vinager eels are like little black specs. they are very easy to culture. i have one in my basement.

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