Having trouble with no bubble-nest?


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Jan 17, 2005
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Yesterday I put my male in a clean container with one of my females. He flared and whatnot and attacked ONCE but no damage was done (no fin ripped no scales missing) and i took the female out. After that i put in another one to let him flare around with. The next day (today) i saw this thick bubble nest so far about the size of your thumb and middle finger forming into a circle. :D finally a nice looking bubblenest.
I'm not quite sure about that. You can try both method and see if any works. One thing to remember from what i heard from alot of people is to cover the female from the male so that he longs for her. My male always go crazy whenever he doens't see a female.
Having no bubblenest doesn't necessarily mean your betta is unhappy. Why risk having one of them get hurt? :dunno:
That's what I was thinking too, why stress them out (especially the girls) just to get a nest -_-
BettasRFriends said:
I'm not quite sure about that. You can try both method and see if any works. One thing to remember from what i heard from alot of people is to cover the female from the male so that he longs for her. My male always go crazy whenever he doens't see a female.
What I meant was, is that it seemed drastic for you to put them together, rather than just sitting them side by side...
Hmmmm. First off, have you heard of a breeder named Atison? His site is AtisonBetta.com if im not mistaken. Anyways, one of his methods of training is to let the male chase the female. Well, my male is a bit too nice because he didn't chase the females jus follow them slowly and flaring. Anyways, i won't use this method again because 1) takes too long to take female out, wait, put female back in 2) there's always a chance of my female's beautiful fins get ripped.
Atison is training fighter plakats who have been conditioned out of their minds and selectively breds for 100's of years for their aggression. There's a huge difference.
Right, but what does that have to do with you?

I mean no offense, but I really am having trouble understanding.

There are a variety of safer, easier ways to make a boy build a nest. Mine build them constantly because they have a great diet and are very social.

My first guy had no neighbors or any stimulation, so I gave him some dried blood worms. The next day he had a massive nest built.

And just like people, every betta is different. Some of mine build small nests, some of mine build massive ones. I even have one who blows bubbles in various spots in his tank but never makes an actual nest.

You are not planning to breed, right?
i think thats a preety stupid idea and unfair on the fish IMO :/

I'm really not trying to be rude, but did you read the links on breeding posted in your other thread?

I feel it's safe to assume that you live at home and are in school. How do your parents feel about you having a 40+ gal growout tank and 100+ jars? Remember you will be doing at least 50% water changes on your growout tank daily and 100% on all your jars.

Do you have food cultures going for your fry and prepared bbs eggs for your hatchery? Do you have funding to feed all your fry when they move to frozen food? It's not cheap to feed 100's of fish twice a day -_-

What are you going to do with the fry? Fish stores won't buy them unless you have something really special and they don't already have a contract with a supplier.
BettasRFriends said:
Yesterday I put my male in a clean container with one of my females. He flared and whatnot and attacked ONCE but no damage was done (no fin ripped no scales missing) and i took the female out. After that i put in another one to let him flare around with. The next day (today) i saw this thick bubble nest so far about the size of your thumb and middle finger forming into a circle. :D finally a nice looking bubblenest.
:eek: Hi, i dont really understand you, if your on this site, i wud assume that you love ur fish, and would do all you can to help them, but then off you go, and stick a male in with 1 girl, let him chase and flare at her, then take her out and do it to another female, then say their more active afterwards! -_-

Are u plain stupid or something ? :grr: Their more active after you've done that to them, because their scared out of their wits, wondering how safe their be in their home from now on. Thinking, "How long will it be before he does that to us again?" and trying desperately to impress you so that you don't put the male with them again!

Not only will you stress the females out, but your stress the male out aswell, because he wont understand why he's had the female, built the nest ready to spawn, then the females gone.

Im sorry if this offends you, but people like you should NEVER breed them, you can't just go around putting a male and a female in a tank together, just to get him to flare and build a bubble nest! :unsure:

If you care for your betta's you should leave them in their own homes, and not put them together, unless conditioned, and ready for spawning! That is unless, you want to say goodbye to your bettas, cus thats what will eventually happen, their die! Both from shock of the event, and fear of it happening again!

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