Having A Rant


Feb 21, 2012
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I went in to a pet shop that begins with J....Y sells variety of things and had a look at the fish and to my DISGUST there was 1 very small and skinny clown loach @ he was at the top to middle of tank trying to swim down but could not because the filter was at the bottom with flow pointing up :angry: how the hell is he suppose to eat if he can not make the bottom , that is of course they were feeding him as the rest of the fish in the tank were small angels. After watching him for a while I went upto the poor young lady and started to rant at her about it as she was scooping him out of tank in a bag and bless her in the end she gave me a small discount .
Rushed home got me medical tank out and put nice water out of me other tank and then started to get him settled into new home for now . Pleased to say he seems to be staying at bottom of tank as was thinking he might have swim bladder or something similar and put some small sinking pellets in which he tryed to eat but kept spitting back out so put 1 small sinking wafer in there and he is slowly tucking his way through it :good: so all crossed if he is ok in next couple of weeks he can go and play with my other clown loaches :good:
end of rant :nod:

It's no different on this side of the county either. I've lost count of the number of times I've gone into any one of the seven LFS that are local to me to find dead fish in their tanks. And the attitude of some of the staff I have come across beggars belief. Needless to say I am not going to name and shame.

I just keep it in mind that a LFS is no more than a mini warehouse that buys cheaply in bulk and outs them to us fishkeepers at a higher price to make a profit.

Fingers crossed, under your care, the loach you have rescued will thrive.

I hate how some people don't even consider a fish to be an animal and that they are "easily replaced". When owning a fish you are taking on just as much responsibility as if you were looking after a Rabbit.
I am glad you helped the poor fish. I hope he has many happy years in your care.
Not all fish shops with skinny fish etc are bad, i have a tank with about 6 emaciated clown loaches, they arent for sale and are being treated.

But we had 400 clown loaches and trying to keep all of them fat in a few tanks is hard work so i rotate and mix up groups, its not how many are in te tank thats to problem, but you get really dominant individuals that bully the smallest to death, as a customer you wouldnt see this as you dont see them all the time.

I rotate the fish, the thin ones fatten up after a week get put back and meanwhile any that go skinny get pulled out into the 'skinny tank' that gets extra food. Looks like i have permanently skinny fish which isnt true lol.

I know i am going to sound the devils advocate again but i do agree with you! Shops have GOT to take better care of their fish. However... of all of the fish that a shop can regularly stock... clown loach are 100% the hardest to keep in every sense. And you have to bear in mind, you cant see or tell what the shop has or hasnt done in terms of feeding them, cleaning them, treating them etc. And if you ask... maybe not all staff members know whats going on? Maybe the filter you saw had just fallen over since the fish had been fed? Maybe it was skinny because it was getting bullied? They can literally go skinny like that over night if they are small clown loaches!

Just something to think about?

I know the zhop you mention, thankfully none near me sell livestock thank god, i saw one selling livestock and doubled over and was sick on their floor :sick: (they were shut down a bit and now no longer sell livestock) but there were dead kittens in there :-( i didnt get as far as the fish *shudder*.
I do understand where you are coming from ,You expect to get the odd fish die here and there because of the numbers and travelling there. the filter had not fallen down because they were all like it on tropical tanks , normaly I would not get a fish from there because there is always dead fish in there tanks, I go in there to buy my cat food as they always have great deals on.
The loach is swimming great now so it must have been the water flow . I owe you one as you helped me out with advice before and new filter which is fluval u4 is great and have left 1 of my old filters running and also put some evolution balls in and my stats are great and water is really clear :good:
many thanks
Hi just an update he is still alive and swimming today so gave a little bit of bloodworm and he woofed it down , I have cleaned up a little bit of left over food up from last night and added a couple of plants , swimming around a lot more today :good:

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