Having A Nightmare!


Jan 18, 2005
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Kent, UK
Well after having a very happy and healthy Malawi set up for a year, I am going to have to get rid of them all!! :-( I have battled with high nitrates for 6 months now, and have exhausted all avenues. Lost one of my big cobalt blue's today. I am hoping the The-Wolf's boss may buy them off me. I just dont want to lose any more.

Will have to start thinking about what to do next??? :/

Oh dear ! Can I ask what the problem was with the Nitrates (what was causing them to be high) ?
As a last resort you could get a ro unit, you may just have bad tap water if you have tried everything else
Oh dear ! Can I ask what the problem was with the Nitrates (what was causing them to be high) ?

Poor advice in the beginning I am afraid!!! Too many fish!

Hubby and I have spoken tonight and he thinks we can reduce the stock by the 3 Pims, 2 Yellow Labs and the remaining Cobalt Blue. This, hopefully will be enough to reduce the nitrates. :good:

Did a test today, and peramaters are:

Ph 8
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates (err, off the scale)

Have done a 50% water change today.

Will see what tomorrow brings.

Totally agree Julia, that was way too many fish for a 29 gal and i'm sorry to hear you've learnt that the hard way. :(

On the bright side, a serious reduction in stock should fix the problem although i must admit a 29 gal is too small for Mbuna IMHO. However a small group of Yellow labs could work and as that seems to be your plan anyway, i would certainly give it one last try.

Good luck, you deserve a break. :good:
Thanks Ferris!!!! I was expecting the good old "I told you so", but that was refreshing! I think that reducing the stock will help greatly. It is at least worth a final shot, especially as I am so attached to them. I was gutted about my Cobalt.

"Have you tried usin Nitra-zorb in your filter, it will reduce your Nitrates in a very short time."

Fat Boy, My Last resort was 2 doses of Bactinetts which is basically as good as it gets. My problem is over-stocking, and only a reduction in fish will rectify that, but thanks for your advice anyway. It is good to see that people actually care :good:

Sorry wasn't meant to be I told you so :D I don't think i noticed you had a 29 gal from previous posts etc.

Once again, the best of luck and let us know how you get on. :thumbs:
Well, I did it today. I sold my remaining Cobalt Blue, 2 large male Yellow Labs and my 3 Pims, so I am now left with 7 fish. I shall do a few water changes and see how it goes.

Had a nightmare with one of the Pims, as he stuck his fins in the net and we had to cut him free :sick:

I will update you with how it get on.

Had a nightmare with one of the Pims, as he stuck his fins in the net and we had to cut him free

I had exactly the same thing with an 8" Pim Blochii once, took 10 mins to cut him free properly from the net - Not fun but he was fine in the end.
:sad: Sorry for the losses. Just keep going :D Do not give up! This is why i stay with this forum "no told ya so's". Everyone is the best.

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