Having A Few Problems With My Black Moor

Yeah hopefully they'll be OK for a bit longer. I suppose feeding them only the bare minimum would help in your situation so that they are eating enough to stay healthy, but don't create too much waste.
Sometimes having to move the sofa out of the way of the tank, muck about with a siphon and hose, empty lots of buckets and then refill the tank with a 2litre jug is just the farthest thing from the front of my mind! Oh well... no one is perfect I suppose! I'm concerned now more about the nostril wound because that's new and it's happened rather quickly... plus I've seen an Oscar with *really* bad HITH and that makes me a bit neurotic! He seems very active and alert and is feeding greedily though so I don't think he's going to suddenly end up floating *touch wood*.
Right... a quick update on how things are going.
The nostril thing cleared up really quickly and is now fine (I don't think it was HITH as it went away after about two days... I think maybe it was just a little scrape or something), but those pesky white patches on his tail are still there. In fact there seem to be some on the opposite side of his tail now as well, so they have increased in numbers. I just don't know what on earth it is! I've been treating the tank with Melafix as a 'just in case' sort of measure to see if it helps and nothing seems to be happening. I also did another fungus treatment with Interpet's Anti Fungus and Finrot, but it doesn't look like a fungal or mould growth and it isn't a bacterial infection fom what I can tell. I wonder if it's possible for fish to simply lose pigment in their skin? I know that sometimes humans can lose pigment in their skin, but can this theory be applied to fish as well?
He's otherwise very healthy looking and is active and feeds well. I am really stumped. I've looked at loads of pictures of fish with epistylis infections and it doesn't look anything like that.
Sorry Rach but without a proper pic its hard to tell whats going on. When blackmoors lose colour they tend to go orange rather than white, but you never know.
I will dig around though and see what i can find.
Yeah I appreciate how difficult it is when you only have a verbal description. At the moment I'm not really worried, I'm just curious more than anything. I don't know... I'll keep looking on the net for stuff as well!
Been looking around Rach and it does appear that blackmoors can indeed turn white.
I really dont know if this is what is happening to your fish as it doesnt seem to be happening from one spot and spreading.
All i can say is just keep an eye on him and post back if something isnt right.
Cheers... interesting that moors can turn white. Don't know if that's what's happening as you say though.
I will indeed keep an eye on him and for now I will stop treating the tank for fungus as I don't even know if that's the problem. I'll just perform lots of water changes and keep an eye on things for now. Thanks for all your help on this! It's a very odd situation.

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