Have You Seen?


Fish Crazy
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
London, England
Hi all, I was just wondering whether any body in & around the London area has seen any big-nosed upside down catfish (synodontis contractus, syn davidi) or African glass catfish ( Eutropiellus buffei) for sale whilst on their travels I had no joy on tropical fish finder can anybody help please? :look:

Can't say i've ever seen them for sale, ask in your LFS if they have it on their stock list, they may be able to order it for you.

Emma :)
Cheers Emma I’ve since found out the name I gave for the African glass catfish was slightly wrong :blush: it is Pareutropius buffei or African three striped catfish but so far I can only find a slightly bigger species Parailia pellucida but the search goes on I have the weekend off this week so will be going fish shopping so here’s hoping.

I've seen the glas cats for sale before, so they are defiantely available, not seen them this year though. Have you looked on trimar's website?

Emma :)
I hadn't till now, never knew about it to be honest I had a quick look through but no joy :no: I’m a bit sceptical about buying fish by mail have you used them yourself?
Try doing a search on Tropical fish finder (.com). If anyone in the country has the fish your looking for they will come up. :)
Personally I have alot of different synos although not those you're looking for. Not seen them in my varying fish travels. Sorry.
I've had no luck with the syno's but it turns out that Pareutropius buffei has been staring me in the face every time i visited the lfs they apparently are often for sale mis-named as Etropiellus debauwi :fun:
I've had no luck with the syno's but it turns out that Pareutropius buffei has been staring me in the face every time i visited the lfs they apparently are often for sale mis-named as Etropiellus debauwi :fun:
you could try japanese-koi henlow, they have loads of unsual fish and are very good i was there yesterday and they had glass fish, and they also have upside down cat fish not sure if they are the ones you want though, but they do have things like elephant noes fish
Cheers, i'm putting this search on hold till i get my new tank. since starting the topic i've brought alternatives & have prety much reached my stock limit.
thaks your for help

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