Have You Ever Witnessed A Male Betta Fight?

I have on acceident though. I net one of the female bettas when she was sick to go put her in her little hospital tank so I left her and then I came back and the other female that was still in the tank was charging at the net and hitting her. The poor thing died later on though of fin rot. :-( :X
-Arrowhead :ninja:
I have never seen a betta fight, and I have a feeling I never will. To answer your question, if a kid, or kids at my school, (10th-12th, bound to do stupid things anyhow...) pulled a stunt like that, I can guarantee that I would do more than something about it. I sincerely hope that this was a theoretical question. If it is not, and this really happened to you, confront a teacher or principal. Not only is this animal abuse, but you should not fear standing up for what you believe in, no matter what. Teachers or principals should value this as well, and can probably deal with it while keeping you anonymous.

Really though, I doubt you would get teased as it is. If you are a girl, it is more socially accepted to have strong passion and empathy for animals. (not saying this is true in all cases, it is a stereotype that a lot of people, especially school aged kids, believe.) And if you are a guy, I promise you that by standing up for weaker creatures, you will become more popular with girls. No one will make fun of you for that, either.
Very well said,Orky.

To add to that, I know quite a few "manly men" who have zero tolerance for abusing animals, they're surprisingly soft hearted when it comes to that, I really don't think anyone would tease you over that.
No. I sometimes intro one of the females to the males, they both get excercise, excitement and it lets me see who works with who. Well, most of the time... No one gets nipped, theres just some flaring and Tiana's 'oops, sorry, am I in your way? *wiggle wiggle*' irratating alternative to flaring....
The male smaragdina that wuv sent me get a little fiesty with eachother, and they look so gorgeous! They flare up so nicely and their colors get so vibrant, then they go into this little "dance" where they're head to tail, and kind of float around following eachother in a slow circle. It's quite graceful and beautiful to watch, really. They don't hurt eachother. Their little dance usually just ends in them shooting really quickly into opposite directions of the tank when they get too close. I love those guys! :wub:

I wish I could take pictures, but my camera has bitten the dust. :(

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